1 My phone is out of credit. 我的电话欠费了。
2 Do you know how!pay for public pay phones? 你知道公用电话的付费方式吗?
3 How do I make a long distance call withpay phones? 怎么用公用电话打长途?
4 Do you think we can demand a pay phonehere? 你觉得我们可以要求在这里安一部公共电话吗?
A:My phone is out of credit. Do you know where I can find a pay phone booth? B:There is a Wal一Mart nearby. Pay phones are near the entrance doors. A:Thank you. Do you happen to know how to use a pay phone? A:Just pick up the receiver and put coins into the coin dial the number. B:But sometimes the keypad doesn't work due to abuse. A:You can dial 0 and you will receive an operator. Then ask to be connected tothe number you want to dial.
A:我的电话欠费了。你知道哪有公共电话亭吗? B:这附近有家沃尔玛。进门的地方 A:有公用电话。 B:谢谢。你知不知道怎么用公用电话啊? A:拿起听筒,把硬币放到投币口里。然后拨号就可以了。 B:但是有些键因为被用得太多了,不好用了。 A:你可以先拨0,就能接通话务员。然后让话务员帮你接到你要拨的号。