Dear Sir, I am writing to express my most sincere gratitude for what you did for me when I had an accident on my bicycle last Tuesday and you very kindly stopped to help. After the car hurtled round the comer and knocked me off my bicycle withoutwarning, the first thing I remember while I was lying helplessly on the ground ishearing your reassuring voice telling me the ambulance was on its way and I wouldbe all right. Indeed, you actually came with me to the hospital and saw me now the thought of your kindness brings tears to my eyes. I have been deeply moved by your neighborliness, for nowadays it is quiteuncommon for a person to give a helping hand to a stranger. I shall learn from yourexample and try my best to help others for the rest of my life. Thank you once again for all you did for me. Yours truly, Kate Lu 翻译
尊敬的先生: 上周二我骑自行车出了车祸,您友好地停下来帮助了我。我写此信对您为我所做的一切表示诚挚的感谢。 当从角落里飞驰而来的汽车撞倒我之后,我记得的第一件事就是当我躺在地上无助之际,您安慰我救护车马上就要到了,我会没事的。而且您还送我到了医院。即使现在,想到您的热心,我仍感动得掉下泪来。 我真的被您的品格深深打动了。现在,很少有人像您这样愿意帮助一个陌生人。我会向您学习,在我的有生之年尽力帮助别人。再次对您表示感谢! 您真诚的 凯特.鲁