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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-03 23:02:57  浏览次数:55
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,北京环球雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于政府征收税金的雅思作文范文
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Large amounts of taxes are collected by the government every year, and how to spendthat money is always a focus. Many people insist that investment in artist projects, such as painting and sculpture, is not worthwhile. I am rather doubtful about this opinion.   As social competition gets increasingly fierce, definitely, art can serve as a psychological comfort to relax depressed modem people. Numerous medical surveys have certified that more than one third of urban people suffer from mental stress to some degree. Consequently, after a day's demanding work, in art galleries or city parks, people can have access to fantastic creations of sculptures and exhibitions of masters in contemporary society, and without doubt, they will be more refreshed and more motivated to meet future various challenges in both work and life.   Besides psychological relaxation, artistic projects help to foster social harmony in appreciation of innovative arts, people can purify their mentality and improve is a well-known fact that paintings and sculptures are the crystallization of social civilization and of course, contacting that wisdom can instill in people the manners, which is beneficial to handling interpersonal relationships. If people are politeness-conscious, it is possible to foster a harmonious society.   On the other hand, taking into account the professional knowledge needed for understanding abstract art, government and relevant academic organizations should popularize and strengthen the promotion of essential knowledge and skills in order to enhance the aesthetic level of the masses. only in this way, can those artistic projects come into play.   All in all, physical comforts are necessary for people, but spiritual civilization is more significant and urgent for harmonious relationships and sustainable development of the whole society.


  政府每年征收大量的税金,如何支配这笔巨款一直是一个焦点问题。很多人认为用税收投资艺术品,例如绘画和雕塑,是不值得的。我对此表示质疑。   随着社会竞争日趋激烈,毫无疑问,艺术品可以作为心灵的鸡汤缓解现代人的压力。不计其数的医学调查都已证实,三分之一以上的城市人或多或少承受着一定的心理压力。因此,经过一天繁重的工作,当人们畅游在艺术画廊或城市公园,接触到当代社会雕塑的伟大创造以及大师的艺术展出时,毫无疑问,他们会心旷神怡、而且能够更为积极地迎接未来工作和生活中的各种挑战。   除了带来心灵上的放松,艺术品还有助于构建和谐社会。通过欣赏极具创造力的艺术,人们的心灵得以净化,自身素养得到提升。必须承认,绘画和雕塑都是社会文明的结晶,接触这些智慧无疑会提高人们的修养,这对于调整人际关系是大有裨益的。如果每个人都懂礼貌,那么和谐社会就指日可待了。   另一方面,考虑到欣赏抽象艺术需要专业知识,政府和相关的学术机构应该推广普及必要的知识和技能,从而提高大众的审美水平。只有这样,那些艺术品才能发挥作用。   总之,对于个人来说,物质享受必不可少;然而对于整个社会的和谐生活以及可持续发展来说,精神文明更为重要和迫切。
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