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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-04 14:18:42  浏览次数:47
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888


  All students are faced with the challenge of writing articles and preparing presentations for classes when they are in ways students handle these tasks are students launch into their assignments right away and finish them weeks before the due date. Others prefer to procrastinate and get everything done a day or two before the would prefer to outline and plan for a presentation beforehand and then work on the task little by little.   Delaying the task until the last day may cause many problems,because procrastination often results in stress and a sense of minds might go blank or fear that we cannot fulfill the assignment might creep in. Thus we delay and procrastinate over and over feeling of guilt associated with procrastination only promotes further , we may be unable to fulfill the task by the due date. Or we may finish preparing the presentation, but perform poorly due to careless mistakes and the pressure from our hurried preparation.   On the other hand, a good presentation normally requires plenty of example, an MBA candidate would less likely make an excellent presentation related to the banking industry if he or she did not conduct intensive research on the order to deliver a good presentation, students need to put inlots of time writing a well-organized speech and creating effective PowerPoint slides. True success comes through the gradual accumulation of efforts, includingresearching relevant information, correcting mistakes, and continual revision of the importantly, by doing a little bit every day, we are able to fulfill the task without haste and panic. This also allows us to keep a balance between preparing a presentation and attending to other tasks.   In conclusion, it is better to start on any assigned presentation as soon as possible, so we will face less trouble and stress. By starting early, we can prepare more thoroughly, deliver the presentation more easily, and gain useful and relevant experience through the process.

  所有人在上大学时都会面临写文章、做课堂陈述的挑战。学生们应对这些挑战的方式不尽相同。有些学生会立即着手做这些作业,并在截止日期前好几周就将其完成,也有些学生更喜欢拖延,直到截止日期前一两天才完成。我更喜欢提前为课堂陈述的内容列大纲、做计划,然后逐步落实。   把作业拖到后一天才完成可能会造成很多麻烦,因为拖延行为常常会带来压力和内疚感。我们可能会感到头脑一片空白,或不觉担心自己无法完成作业,结果一再拖延。这种由拖延带来的内疚感只能导致更多的拖延行为。因此,在截止日期之前,我们可能无法完成作业。或者我们也许也能准备完课堂陈述的内容,但在临场陈述时,由于粗心大意和仓促准备带来的压力,我们可能会表现得很糟糕。   另一方面,一次精彩的课堂陈述通常都需要大量的准备工作。例如,一位攻读工商管理硕士的学生如果没有对银行业进行认真研究,就不太可能就这一行业做出精彩的课堂陈述。精彩的课堂陈述要求学生们花大量的时间写出有条理的演讲稿、做出切实可用的幻灯片。真正的成功需要付出很多努力,包括研究相关信息,改正错误,以及不断修改讲稿。重要的是,通过每天完成一点,我们便能够从容地完成任务,不必匆忙和惊慌。这样的安排让我们可以在准备课堂陈述和进行其他事务之间保持平衡。   总而言之,课堂陈述作业还是越早着手准备越好,这样我们就能避免许多麻烦,承受的压力也更小。早早动手,我们才能做更充分的准备,更轻松地在课堂上进行陈述,并在这一过程中积累有用的相关经验。

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