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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-04 15:03:27  浏览次数:74
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于乡村与城市生活的雅思作文范文。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  In regard to this question about life in the countryside or city,some people believe that city dwellers feel more satisfied withtheir comfortable and convenient , I believe that residents of the countryside often seem happier and more at peace than franticand nervous city dwellers. People in the country tend to live a more satisfying life, because countryside residents often have a simpler, purer, and safer life.   First, living far removed from the turmoiland frustrations of a major city certainly is benefit of life in the country. Crime is usually a rare occurrence in the countryside, and the loud noises, overcrowded roads and traffic jams which are common in major urban centers cannot be found in rural areas. The pollution in urban areas is severe due to vehicles, factories, and other elements, whereas the air in the countryside is much cleaner than that in the city due to the absence of these pollutants. The availability of green space as well as fresh air is beneficial to one's health because people living in the midst of nature feel a greater sense of ease and relaxation and are less likely to catch many diseases.   People living in the country also experience a greater sense community and enjoy more comfortable social networks. of While urban people sometimes do not know the name of the person next door, rural people share many aspects of their may share some of the vegetables or fruits they plant or get together and chat with each other after a day of also participate in local events such as sporting events and weddings or funerals of the importantly, people there have deeper feelings for one another and help each other in a smaller countryside town, residents tend to know one another well and provide help for each other. This provides everyone with a good sense of community.   While most city dwellers would never give up the stressful excitement of their own life, I believe people in rural areas are more satisfied with their relaxed and simple lifestyle because of friendly neighbors and the quiet and safe environment.

  对于是生活在乡村还是城市的问题,有人认为住在城市的居民有着更舒适、便利的生活环境,更能得到满足。但我认为乡村居民看上去更幸福、更平和,不像都市人那样紧张忙乱。乡村居民的生活更会让人有满足感,因为他们的生活更简单、淳朴,也更安全。   首先,都市生活总是混乱不堪,让人充满挫败感,生活在乡村则可以远离这些麻烦。在乡村,犯罪事件鲜有发生,也不会像大城市那样常有巨大的噪音、拥挤不堪的道路和堵车。山于交通繁忙、工厂林立和其他的原因,城市地区的污染非常严重。乡村没有这些污染源,因而空气就干净得多。乡村洁净的空气和山野绿地都对人们的身体健康有好处。因为生活在大自然中,人们会感觉更放松,也育创免很多疾病。   生活在乡村也能让人们产生更强烈的群体归属感,享受到更简单自如的人际关系。在都市中生活的人有时候连隔壁邻居的名字都不知道,而乡村居民彼此的生活则有着很多交集。他们会分享自己家种植的一些果蔬,或在一天的工作之后聚在一起聊天。他们也会参加当地的活动,例如运动会、邻居的婚礼或葬礼。重要的是,人们之间的感情很深,在危急时刻愿意出手相助。在小乡村,人们之间都非常了解,能及时提供帮助,因此,大家会有很强的归属感。   尽管多数城市居民不愿意放弃充满压力的刺激生活,我还是认为乡村地区的生活方式更放松、更简单,因为那里有友好的邻居和宁静、安全的环境。

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