A:Mike, tell your designers to go back to the drawing board for our new logo design, I just saw the prototype that came out of your department. It just won’t work. B:But,Mr. Brown,what is the problem with the new logo design? A:It is quite similar to the logo of our competitor CBS Company. Even if we come out with something even close to the design they have,we could be legally liable. B:I saw that design and I don’t think it resembled CBS Company's logo at all. I can’t imagine our design would violate their copyright. A:Our legal department doesn't think so. They reviewed the copyrighted images from CBS Company. After discussion with our manager, they determined it would be copyright infringement to place this design on our products. B:What if we modified the design a little bit? Maybe we change the color. Do you think that would be enough to differentiate from the copyrighted image? A:The verdict from the legal department is to start from scratch. This time come up with something more creative. We want something different for everyone else. We want to stand out to our consumers. Come up with something good, we will set our own copyright on it.
A:迈克,告诉你们的设计师回画室讨论一下我们新标识的设计问题。我刚刚看过你们部门拿出的方案.根本无法投人使用。 B:但是布朗先生,新标识的设计到底存在什么问题呢? A:这个设计和我们的竞争对手CBS公司的太相似了。即使我们设计出来的东西和他们的图案接近,我们也会负法律责任的。 B:我看过咱们的设计方案,我认为一点不像CBS公司的标识。我无法想象我们的标识会侵犯他们的版权。 A:我们的法律部门可不这么认为。他们仔细看了CBS公司受版权保护的标识并和我们的经理讨论过。他们后认定如果把这个图案放在我们的产品上,那会侵犯CBS公司的版权。 B:如果我们再修改一下设计方案呢?如果我们把颜色稍作改变,你觉得这样可以和受版权保护的图案区分开来了吧? A:法律部门认为应该一切从头开始。这次要搞出有创新的设计。我们要拿出与众不同的设计。我们的设计要吸引顾客。有了好的设计,我们就申请自己的版权。