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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 07:23:15  浏览次数:77
核心提示:  托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,深圳小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于独立生活的托福作文范文。
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.   I argue that whether young people should be independent from their parents or not relies on the actual situations they are in.   When one is still incapable of an independent living, it is highly suggested that he live together with his parents. To make an independent living is no easy thing. Consider all the things required for a normal independent life. One first of all needs a place which he calls a “home”。To own a home, he either needs to buy an apartmlent in any form of payment or to rent one from others which also needs money. To house himself, to feed himself, and to clothe himself are the three basic needs that he will have to meet first. And in a country where employment itself is a big problem, having enough money to do all these is simply unimaginable. Then, there are other not-too-much materialistic things that he will have to take into consideration, such as the care and love of his parents that he has been so used to, the companionship of his family members that will all suddenly disappear from around him, and so on and so forth. So, when a young adult decides to live independently, he should first ask himself: Are you ready for it?   If the answer is “Yes, absolutely,”then he is suggested to do so right away. Living independently from one's parents definitely possesses many an advantage. First, it shows that he is a grown-up now, no longer needing to depend on his parents for a living. Second, by doing so, he “emancipates” his parents-finally giving them the time or chance to live or enjoy their own lives after having spent so many years of time bringing up and caring for their children. Third, it gives young adults the opportunities to learn from their own life experiences so that they will mature more quickly and thus become truly grown-ups. Fourth, young people need the freedom brought about by living independently. On the one hand, they would not give their parents any opportunity to complain about their weaknesses and on the other hand, they would not need to hear their parents complaining about their behaviors, or, in a broader sense, their life-styles. This is in fact a win-win situation.   To sum up,young people should not just talk blankly about living independently without considering the actual situations they are in. If they are not quite ready for it, they can live with their parents for a longer period of time in order to get ready for it, but once they are prepared for it, they should do it without hesitation-for their own good and also for their parents' good.   深圳资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳为您提供关于独立生活的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。
  我认为:年轻人是否应该离开父母独立生活取决于他们的具体情况。   当一个人还无法做到独立生活时,建议他与父母一起生活。独立生活绝非易事:想想过正常的独立生活所需要的所有一切吧。他首先需要一个可称之为“家”的地方。拥有一个家,他要么需要买套房子,不管以何种支付方式解决,要么从别人那里租套房子,但这也需要钱。给自己一个栖身之地、解决自己的吃饭和穿衣问题构成了他首先就必须解决的三大基本需求。在一个就业本身就是个大问题的国家里,拥有足够的钱去做这一切简直就是难以想象的。然后,还有其他一些不是太过物质化的东西要考虑到,比如他已太过习惯了的父母的关爱、顷刻间便要从身边失去的家庭成员的陪伴等等。所以,当一个年轻人决定独立生活时,他首先就应该间间自己:你做好准备了吗?   如果回答是:“是的,的!”那么,他就可以马上这么做了。离开父母独立生活有很多的好处。首先,这会表明他这个人已经长大了,不再需要依靠父母谋生了。其次,这样做,他“解放”了父母:终于给了他们时间或机会去过或者享受他们自己的人生了,这可是在他们养育、照料孩子那么多年后才会有的事。再者,这也给了年轻人从自己的生活经验中学习的机会,可以让他们更快地成熟、成为真正的成年人。还有,年轻人需要独立生活所带来的自由。一方面,他们不会给父母抱怨自己各种毛病的机会了;另一方面,他们也不需要再听到父母对自己的行为或者更广意义上讲,对他们生活方式的牢骚了。这实际上是个双赢的局面。   概括一下:年轻人不应该对自己的实际状况不加考虑便空洞地谈论独立生活。如果他们还没有准备好,不妨与父母在一起生活得长一些以便为此做好准备,但是一旦准备好了,他们应该毫不犹疑地这么做:为他们自己好,同时也为父母好。
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