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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-15 09:01:34  浏览次数:108
核心提示:  雅思阅读模拟练习题:   Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded b
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  雅思阅读模拟练习题:   Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shop and restaurants in the US. But it soon spread to other arts of the world. Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.   To begin with, "muzak" (音乐广播网) was intended simply to create a soothing (安慰) atmosphere. Recently, however, it's become big business—thanks in part to recent research. Dr. Ronald Milliman, an American marketing expert, has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.
[图片0]   But, it has to be light music. A fast one has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 38%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they like to buy. Yet, slow music isn't always answer. found, for example, that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurants owners might be well advised to play up-tempo music to keep the customers moving—unless of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints!   1. The reason why background music is so popular is that ______.   A. it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it   B. it can help to create a soothing atmosphere   C. it can boost sales or increase factory production everywhere   D. it can make customers eat their meals quickly   2. Background music means ________.   A. light music that customers enjoy most   B. fast music that makes people move fast   C. slow music that can make customers enjoy their meals   D. the music you are listening to while you are doing something   3. Restaurant owners complain about background music because ______.   A. it results in indigestion   B. it increases their sales   C. it keeps customers moving   D. it decreases their sales   4. The word "up-tempo music" probably means_____.   A. slow music   B. fast music   C. light music   D. classical music   注释:1. spread to 传到,波及,蔓延到   2. to begin with 首先,第一点(理由)   To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.   首先,我们必须全面地考虑全体员工的素质。   3. intend vt. 想要,打算,意指,意谓   4. boost 增进;改善   We need to boost our spirits. 我们需要鼓舞士气。   5. have to be [美,口]肯定是…… 毫无疑问是……   6. receipt 收据;收条 When you have paid for sth., a receipt is given to you.   雅思官方题库   亮点:   首先,这款雅思阅读官方题库APP为环球雅思官方出品,由雅思第一资深老师杨凡老师执笔编写,确保的实用,的真题,的提高分数!其次,这款APP强大的交互式互动学习功能,让雅思考生们有了一种与以往做题枯燥无趣完全不同的趣味式学习体验。更加提高学习效率。同时,移动应用APP的出现,解决了不能随时随地学习的困难。你可以在等公交,坐地铁,喝咖啡,甚至是上厕所的时候都可以拿出手机来学习英语。如此,方便,快捷,智能,强大的APP阅读题库,是广大雅思考生们的福音。   优点:   雅思题库内容,丰富。对词汇的掌握,答题的技巧都做了深入分析。相互式做题体验让雅思考生脱离纸笔一样可以提升阅读能力。UI界面简洁。   不足:   交互式答题功能可在深入,细化,做的更加人性化一些。   总结:   一般来说,对一款英语学习软件功能的评价。除了对其UI设计的关注外,重要的还是功能的设置和用户相互学习的体验。当然,一款好的英语学习软件其中包含的学习内容就好比是丝丝金线,能否把一款APP打造成一件成型的金缕衣则重要的就是开发者在软件功能上的设置是否真的能有效提升用户的学习效率。而衡量一款英语学习APP是否成功的关键,则在于用户通过使用这款APP是否得到了比传统学习方式更为有效的学习结果。在这个过程中的学习体验是否满意。要达到这样的效果则还需要开发团队的进一步对用户的了解,但相信雅思官方题库APP的出现,已经是给了广大英语爱好学习者们很好的示范和选择。在未来的日子里,交互式学习的方式将为越来越被英语学习者们所接受和熟知。后,广大雅思考生们,这款软件在APP上也是少有的。所以赶紧去体验吧!   更多精彩内容,请关注:深圳英语学校
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