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起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 16:26
浏览次数: 170
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淮安NSK轴承6409-ZN热失衡导致的噪声污染 详细说明


When the half axle of Huaian NSK bearing is heated in the inductor, the heat generated by the inductor can be divided into three main heat dissipation modes besides heating the workpiece.


1. Radiate heat to the surroundings. The induction coil is equipped with magnets, insulating paint and glass cloth. This form has the advantages of small heat loss, small average heat dissipation and little influence on inductance burning.


2. Condensate takes away heat. This part of the radiation inductor makes induction heating work an all. The results show that the inlet water temperature of condensate is between 0 and 180 degrees, which indicates that the condensate has good heat transfer performance, stable flow rate and little increase in water temperature, which exceeds 180 degrees. Thereafter, due to the existence of long runners, the water temperature rises substantially and the water temperature rises, which makes the heat transfer worse. Huaian NSK bearings can easily lead to subsequent components of the sensor (. 225). Increasing temperature is the main reason for the burnout of induction coil.


Three. The heat of the induction coil is transferred to the connecting plate. The current density of the connecting plate is small and the cross-section area of water is large, which makes the water temperature in this area low and makes the heat of the induction coil transfer to the connecting plate. The induction coils of 0-90 degree and 270-360 degree are close to the connecting plate and have good thermal conductivity. However, the 90-270 degree induction coil is far away from the connecting plate, and its thermal conductivity is poor, which makes the temperature of induction coil in this area rise sharply, leading to the combustion of pipeline coil. In this area. Comparison of heat flow direction of induction coils at different positions. The induction coil has a large amount of heat accumulation and buliang conduction near 225 degrees, so the induction coil is easy to burn out in this area.


Raceway sound is a kind of continuous sliding sound produced by the imported Huaian NSK bearing rolling element when it runs on the raceway su-ce. This is the unique basic sound produced by all rolling bearings. Generally speaking, the sound of the outer spherical bearing is equal to the sound of the raceway plus the rest of the sound. The sound of bearing raceway is irregular. Frequency exceeds 1000Hz. The main frequency does not change with the speed, but the total sound pressure level increases with the speed.

对于高滚道噪声的淮安NSK轴承,滚道噪声的声压级随粘度的增大而减小,而对于低滚道噪声的轴承,声压级随粘度的增大而增大.当粘度增加到20 mm 2/s以上时,声压级降低,轴承座刚度增加,总声压级降低.电缆管道声压级.

For Huaian NSK bearings with high raceway noise, the sound pressure level of raceway noise decreases with the increase of viscosity, while for bearings with low raceway noise, the sound pressure level increases with the increase of viscosity. When the viscosity increases to more than 20 mm 2/s, the sound pressure level decreases, the stiffness of bearing seat increases, and the total sound pressure level decreases. Sound pressure level of cable pipeline.


When large bearings or outer spherical bearings operate at low speed under pure radial load, because the centrifugal force of the rolling element is small, the rolling element in the non-load area will imPACt the cage or raceway and produce noise. But as the speed increases, the sound disappears. The control methods of rolling body impact sound include appropriately reducing radial clearance, adopting reasonable bearing structure and beautiful material cage.


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Article from: Huaian NSK Bearing





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