终于领会雅思口语part1混合高分时态讲解 雅思提高





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终于领会雅思口语part1混合高分时态讲解 雅思提高

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-25 13:45
浏览次数: 94
终于领会雅思口语part1混合高分时态讲解 雅思提高 详细说明

  1 Can you cook?
  Well, I can, but to be honest with you, I'm not really all that good at it, the main reason being that when I was younger, my mum used to do pretty much all the cooking, and I never paid that much attention to how she was doing it. So right now, I guess you could probably count the number of dishes I can cook on one hand.
  (这里故意在说原因的时候说小时候的原因。以此带出过去式的两种形式,was, used to 以及过去进行时was doing it)
  2 Why do people have PETs?
  Well, I suppose there are a handful of reasons, one of which would be that pets keep people company, and as a pet owner myself, I know that they are really good at cheering you up if you're feeling a little down. So they make great companions.
  3 Have you ever painted before?
  Yeah, for sure I have! But if truth be told, the last time I painted anything was absolutely ages ago! I mean, I seem to remeber doing quite a lot of painting when I was at kindergarten and primary school, but since then, I'd say I've done pretty much no painting at all.
  (这里混合了现在时,过去时,现在完成时,大家面对have you ever done 这种题的时候可以说上一次做这件事是什么时候,这样可以起码带出过去式)
  4 Do you spend lots of time watching films?
  I spend a fair amount of time watching them, yeah, because there have been quite a few good movies which have come out in the past few years. But I'm now trying to limit myself to watching just a few hours a week so that it doesn't take up too much of my time.
  (现在时。现在完成时,现在进行时的混合,大家常常可以在名词后面加个which/that 从句,然后从句中带出时态)

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