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最后更新: 2021-11-25 13:46
浏览次数: 85
终于明白成人英语考试完形填空练习题分享 详细说明

  Most children with healthy apPETites (胃口、食欲) are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food 1D it is badly cooked. The 2C a meal is cooked and served is most important and an 3B served meal will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child 4A he likes or dislikes a food and never 5C likes or dislikes in front of him or allow 6B else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother 7C vegetables in the child’s hearing he is 8D to copy this procedure. Take it 9D granted that he likes everything and he probably 10C . Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a 11A dislike. At meal times it is a good 12C to give a child a small portion and let him 13B back for a second helping rather than give him as 14A as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child 15D meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not 16B him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will 17B learn to swallow his food 18A he can hurry back to his toys. Under 19D circumstances must a child be coaxed (哄骗) 20A forced to eat.
  1. A. if B. until C. that D. unless
  2. A. procedure B. process C. way D. method
  3. A. adequately B. attractively C. urgently D. eagerly
  4. A. whether B. what C. that D. which
  5. A. remark B. tell C. discuss D. argue
  6. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody
  7. A. opposes B. denies C. refuses D. offends
  8. A. willing B. possible C. like D. likely
  9. A. with B. as C. over D. for
  10. A. should B. may C. will D. must
  11. A. supposed B. proved C. considered D. related
  12. A. point B. custom C. idea D. plan
  13. A. ask B. come C. return D. take
  14. A. much B. little C. few D. many
  15. A. on B. over C. by D. during
  16. A. agree B. allow C. force D. persuade
  17. A. hurriedly B. soon C. fast D. slowly
  18. A. so B. until C. lest D. although
  19. A. some B. any C. such D. no
  20. A. or B. nor C. but D. neither

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