How many aluminium cans can get you 1g of gold? 你拿多少铝罐能换1g黄金?
In North Jakarta, the trade-in value of 70kg of aluminium cans – around 4,500 empty cans – isequivalent to 1g of gold at the Wijaya Kusuma Waste Bank. 在雅加达北部,70kg铝罐(约4,500个空罐)就能在Wijaya Kusuma垃圾银行兑换1g黄金。
Other recyclables such as cardboard and plastic bottles are also accepted by the programmeinitiated by the Bermis Gading neighbourhood in January last year. Bermis Gading街区去年1月份发起的这个项目也接受纸板和塑料瓶等其他回收物。
The waste bank was set up with a simple mission – to encourage the locals to recycle andreduce waste. After residents deposit recyclables here, the waste bank would clean and sellthem to the North Jakarta government. 成立这家垃圾银行的目的很简单,就是要鼓励当地人回收并减少垃圾。居民将回收物送到这里以后,垃圾银行会将其清洗并出售给雅加达北部。
In April this year, pawnshop PT Pegadaian offered to collaborate with this waste bank – and fourother waste banks in Jakarta – by rewarding the residents with gold. 今年4月份国有当铺公司要和这家垃圾银行以及雅加达另外4家垃圾银行合作,用黄金奖励居民。
Mdm Roswanthy Suweden, 67, is one of the serious participants of the programme. She hascollected enough recyclables to receive more than 10g of gold. 67岁的Mdm Roswanthy Suweden很认真地参与这个项目,她攒的回收物已经可以兑换超过10g黄金。
"I'm happy. I save little by little, and over time I have a lot. The gold is for my children andgrandchildren," she told CNA at the waste bank. 她在垃圾银行对CNA说:“我很高兴,我一点一点攒,时间长了就攒了很多。我要把金子给我的孩子们和孙子孙女。”
Head of North Jakarta environment agency Mr Slamet Riyadi applauded the idea of offeringgold as an incentive to recycle. 雅加达北部环境机构的领导Slamet Riyadi对用黄金激励循环利用的想法表示赞许。
Women, who usually manage the households, will find the scheme attractive, he said. 他说女性通常管家,她们会觉得这个计划很有吸引力。
"Before it worked together with the pawnshop, it had around 34 or 36 customers (residentswho took part in the programme). But since the partnership, the number increased to 105," MrRiyadi said. Riyadi先生说:“在和国有当铺公司合作之前,有34位或36位顾客(都是参与该项目的居民)。但合作之后人数上升到了105人。”
Besides Jakarta, similar "trash for gold" schemes are also found in other Indonesian cities likePalembang, Bandar Lampung and Makassar. 除了雅加达,其他印尼城市也有类似的“垃圾换黄金”的项目,如巨港、班达楠榜和望加锡。