终于明了英语等级考试模拟试题2套四级写作 英语四六级报名





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终于明了英语等级考试模拟试题2套四级写作 英语四六级报名

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最后更新: 2021-11-25 13:58
浏览次数: 95
终于明了英语等级考试模拟试题2套四级写作 英语四六级报名 详细说明

  A.Read the dialogue below and write a short article about Mary's trip to Kenya.
  1.Write a short passage that is consistent with the meaning of the relevant content of the dialogue and covers its main points.
  2.Use your own language to express,you can rewrite the sentences in the dialogue,but you can't copy the original sentences.
  Be careful:
  1.The number of words is about 80 words,and the beginning has been written for you.
  2.Please write the passage directly on the corresponding position on the answer card.
  John:Hey Mary!I heard you spent your summer in Kenya!Is that true?
  gary:Yes.My husband was invited by his friends to visit them in Kenya.So,we went together.
  John:What did you do thereg
  Mary l We went to a national park.It was really hot,and there was tall grass everywhere.We rode in an SUV(越野车)with a tour guide.He told US exciting stories about his experiences when suddenly a lion calTle toward US.1 was so frightened,but thankfully,it was just curious!It looked at US for a long time.
  John:Wow.that’S So exciting!1 wish I could go to Kenya as well.
  Mary:I’m sure you would have a great time.too.We slept outdoors in a tent.It was great!
  I always helped my husband set it up.At fwst.I couldn’t sleep.1 was afraid that some wild animals might attack US while we were sleeping.
  John:Yes,I Can imagine!Now l’m glad that I spent my vacation here at home.At least I slept well!
  Mary:Yeah,you’re right But still,it was a wonderful adventure.1 would like to go back there someday.Maybe you could join US.
  Reference Paradigm:
  Mary and her husband were invited to visit their friends in Kenya.
  In a hot day,they went to a national park.Suddenly,a lion canle to them when their tour guide told them some interesting stories.Luckily,the lion just thought they were,interesting and watched them for a while.
  They spent their night in a tent.But Mary didn’t sleep well,because she was worded that the wild animals might be dangerous and hurt them when they were asleep.
  But still it Was an exciting trip.

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