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最后更新: 2021-11-25 14:01
浏览次数: 78
总算晓得英语六级阅读模拟分享 详细说明

  Questions 61 to 65 are based oil the following passage. Uke a tired marriage.the relationship between libraries and publishers has long beenreassuringly dull.E—books,however,are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares if they are to remain relevant,but many publishersare too careful about piracy and lost sales to c0.operate.Among the big six.only Random House and HarperCollins license e-books with most libraries.The others have either deniedrequests or are reluctantly experimenting.
  Publishers are wise to be nervous.Owners of e.readers are exactly the customers theyneed:book—lovers with money-neither the devices nor broadband connections come cheap.Ifthese wonderful people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them,what then? Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient.Unlike printed books.which must be checkedout and returned to a physical library miles from where you live,book files can be downloaded athome.Digital library catalogues are often browsed at night.from a comfortable sofa.The filesdisappear from the device when they are due. Awkwardly for publishers,buying an e—book costs more than renting one but offers littleextra value. You cannot resell it。lend it to a friend or burn it to stay warm.Owning a book is useful ifyou want to savor(品尝)it repeatedly,
  but who reads“Fifty Shades of Grey”twice? E-1ending is not simple.however.There are lots of different and often incompatible e-book formats,devices and licences.Most libraries use a company calLED Over Drive,a globaldistributor that secures rights from publishers and provides e-books and audio files in everyformat.Yet publishers and libraries are worried by Over Drive’s market dominance,as thecompany can increasingly dictate fees and conditions. Library boosters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers,and that libraries arevital sPACes for readers to discover new work.Many were.cheered by a recent Pewsurvey,which found that more than half of Americans with Horary cards say they prefer to buytheir e-books.But the report also noted that few people know that e-books are available atmost libraries,and that popular titles often involve long waiting lists,which may be whatinspires people to buy. So publishers keep adjusting their lending arrangements in:search of the rightbalance.Random House raised its licensing prices earlier this year,and Harper Collins limitslibraries to lending its titles 26 times. Hachita is engaged in some secret experiments,and the others are watching with heldbreath.In Britain the government will soon announce a review of the matter.The story of thelibrary e-book is a nail-biter. 61.What can be inferred from the fast paragraph? A.Libraries are eager to keep relationship with publishers. B.Several publishers have sold e-books to most libraries. C.Libraries care too much about piracy and book sales. D.Most publishers hesitate to cooperate with libraries.

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