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最后更新: 2021-11-25 14:04
浏览次数: 82
总算清楚成人英语备考资料练习 详细说明

  How many different kinds of emotions do you feel? You may be 1C to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only 2B hard to describe in words, they are difficult to 3A . As a result, two people rarely 4B all of them. However, there are a number or 5D emotions that most people experience.
  When we receive something that we want, or something happens 6C we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and powerful emotion, 7A for which we all strive. It is natural to want to be happy, and all of us 8D happiness. As a general 9B , joy occurs when we reach a 10A goal or obtain a desired object.
  11C people often desire different goals and objects, it is 12B that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile, 13C another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share 14B goals or interests, and therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in the arts, in learning, in raising a family, or in 15A being together.
  When we have difficulty 16B obtaining desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience 17D emotions such as anger and grief. When little things get in our way, we experience 18D frustrations or tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out 19A a date, you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off. The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really want something to happen, and you feel it 20C happen, but someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.
  1. A. shocked B. astounded C. surprised D. bewildered
  2. A. emotional feelings are B. are emotional feelings C. the emotional feeling is D. is the emotional feeling
  3. A. list B. recognize C. arrange D. understand
  4. A. agree B. agree on C. agree with D. agree to
  5. A. necessary B. vital C. essential D. basic
  6. A. if B. what C. that D. when
  7. A. one B. the one C. very one D. only on
  8. A. search to B. search of C. search D. search for
  9. A. practice B. rule C. law D. sense
  10. A. desired B. desirous C. prospective D. fascinated
  11. A. For B. When C. Since D. Being
  12. A. understanding B. understandable C. to understand D. understood
  13. A. however B. if C. while D. even though
  14. A. same B. common C. similar D. different
  15. A. just B. only C. right D. even
  16. A. of B. in C. with D. for
  17. A. bad B. unpleasant C. uneasy D. negative
  18. A. small B. insignificant C. little D. minor
  19. A. on B. in C. for D. to
  20. A. will B. shall C. should D. would

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