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最后更新: 2021-11-25 14:26
浏览次数: 99
总算认识英语四六级真题汇总 详细说明

  Ways to Be Trusted by Others
  Being in the social network, everyone must face the interpersonal communication and connection everyday, for which mutual trust is so necessary and beneficial. So how can we obtain trust from others? First, we can only be trusted when we treat others sincerely and do what we promise to do. No one will trust you if you are a dishonest man or do nothing consistent with your words. Just as the little boy in the fairy tale The Wolf Is Coming, when he has lied for three times, no one will take his words as truth. Second, we must be equipped with the skills to attain our aims. Although we indeed love to help others, we cannot offer real assistance to them without ability. So the most necessary method is to be stronger and more excellent, so that we can do something for others without putting much pressure on ourselves. That is to say, when you have a thousand yuan, you can easily donate one hundred to the poor one, but nobody will believe that you can give him all of your money if you just own hundred. Above all, as far as I am concerned, in order to be a trustworthy person, we should conduct well in both mentality and real caPACity, each of which should not be neglected.
  Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, smart phones gradually appear in our lives. Indeed, smart phones make our life more convenient, for instance, we can install all kinds of applications on our smart phones for communication, entertainment, payment and accessing up-to-date news and so on. As for me, I often use my smart phone to shop online, pay for my goods and search for learning materials, which greatly saves my time and simplifies some complicated procedures, and with the time saved, I can do more things which I like. However, just as every coin hastwo sides, smart phones are no exception. The overuse or the addiction to smart phones tend to exert a negative impact on our life. Therefore, we should manage our time on smart phones properly. Generally speaking, I often set a time period for myself every day, such as two or three hours, and I usually use smart phones when it is necessary or on my spare time. I believe that smart phones would bring great possible advantages for us if used properly.2019年11月大学英语六级口语考试个人陈述:
  How to Manage Stress
  When it comes to the stress, some people are afraid of stress. They think that the stresses and strains of work leads to their less joy and happiness. Particularly, students in expanding number begin to be confused about how to cope with the stress of exam. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally.
  based on the survey conducted by Chinese Academic Research, a majority of college students admit that they are confronted with various pressure which makes them puzzLED. Here are some critical methods and strategies to deal with the stress. In the first place, playing sports can exert a positive impact on the aspect of relieving heavy stress. As a consequence, those faced with press can do more exercise to relax themselves. In the second place, taking a positive and optimistic attitude towards life plays an indispensable role in our personal growth and future career.
  From another perspective, when you are in trouble and feel helpless, please take a positive attitude and effective measures to solve those thorny problems. The last but not the least, when you are confronted with enormous stress of exam, I, without reservation, suggest that you should take instant actions.
  Namely, action speaks louder than words, if you are devoted to the course of preparing for the exam and make progress step by step, you can face the exam in a positive manner. In a word, we should take a correct and objective attitude towards to stress, particularly the stress of exam. I harbor that we can overcome it with longstanding efforts.

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