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最后更新: 2021-11-25 16:30
浏览次数: 140
总算理解雅思口语考试的part2旅游范文分享 详细说明

  Last year I went to a tour at Peking University. It was my dream college while I was growing up, butlife is full of dissapointments, isn’t it? I didn’t get accepted. And I had to come to terms with(和解)the fact that I only went to an ordinary university in Wuhan. So it actually surprised me that I stillshed tears looking at the Weiming Lake. I was reminded of those hard-working high school yearswhen I fought for my dream to come true in the prime years(黄金时期) of my life. It was a beautifultime when I learnt to discipline myself, to make friends, to develop sports skills, and to just be ateenager. Well, teenagers grow to be adults, if you know what I mean by that. When I learnt that Ididn’t get accepted by Peking university, I locked myself in my room for two days. I knew that I hadfaiLED my promise and decided that I should just live my ordinary life and forget about my dreams!But that time, personally being at Peking University for the first time, I felt that my passion wasstirred up(被激起) again.
  I wanted to do something meaningful other than(而不是) just wasting mylife! I missed that teenager who was full of dreams and energy! And I made up my mind to studyoverseas and get my masters degree. I may have missed out on my dream school, but that didn’tmean I had to give up my dreams completely.(完全地,彻底地) All roads lead to Rome, after all! Soyeah, the Peking university tour meant a great deal to me! In a way, it helped me pick up myconfidence and will to fight for the life that I desired!

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