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最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:15
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终于清楚考研英语备考之长难句解析整理 详细说明

  1. Recently, there have been some imaginative attempts to make polycrystalline and ribbon silicon which are lower in cost than high-quality single crystals but to date the efficiencies of these apparently lower-cost materials have been unacceptably small. 近,有些人试图研制多晶硅和带状硅,这些材料比高质单晶硅成本小,但是,迄今为止,这些成本明显小的材料的效能低得不实用。
  2. Although many scientists were aware of the very low cost of amorphous solar cells, they felt that they could never be manufactured with the efficiencies necessary to contribute significantly to the demand for electric power. 许多科学家虽然已经认识到非晶硅太阳能电池的低成本,但是他们也感到,要生产出这样的电池并使之产生足够的功效、在很大程度上满足对电能的需要,是不可能的。
  3. Already, solar cells with efficiencies well above 6 percent have been developed using amorphous materials, and further research will doubtlessly find even less costly amorphous materials with higher efficiencies. 用非结晶体材料研制的太阳能电池的使用功效已经远远超过6%,未来的研究必将找出成本更低的但功效更高的非结晶体材料。
  4. This imaginary task gives some idea of the challenge facing biologists in the United States and elsewhere as they embark on a monumental project: deciphering all the coded information in the human genome, all the genes in a human cell. 美国和世界各地的生物学家面临一项重大工程的挑战,这个假想的任务使人们对这个挑战的强度获得一些认识,这个挑战就是:破译人体基因组中的编码信息。
  5. They predict that a complete understanding of the human genetic code would provide untold benefits for humanity, for example, those abilities to diagnose, cure, and eventually prevent many diseases caused by faulty genes. 他们预计,对人体基因编码的多方面认识将给人类带来无法言喻的利益,例如,使人类能够诊断、治疗并终预防基因缺陷造成的很多疾病。
  6. Not only has the Government refused to consult with the people of Australia on this issue of prohibition of free communication between individuals, they have also refused to consult with industry, and ignored all technical evidence and reports on the issues. 在禁止人们之间的自由交流这个问题上,澳大利亚不仅没有征求其人民的意见,也没有征求产业界的意见,对这方面的技术论据和报告都置若罔闻。
  7. And not only is it technically impossible to censor current content of the Internet, but the Internet is set to explode exponentially in the indefinite future, with there being literally llions of changes and additions to web content on a daily basis. 而且,不仅从技术上无法因特网目前的内容,而且因特网的设立意味着信息内容在未来会以指数激增,每天改变或增加的网络信息内容简直将达几百万条。
  8. In order to make economic development agreements more attractive to investors, some developing countries have attempted to strengthen the security of such agreements, specifying that the agreements will be governed by “general principles of law recognized by civilized nations"&mdasha set of legal principles or rules shared by the world’s major legal systems. 为了使经济开发协议对投资者更具吸引力,有些发展家企图提高协议的安全性,规定这些协议受“文明国家公认的总法律原则”的约束,这些原则由世界几个主要法律体系所共有的一套原则和规范组成。
  9. Moreover, even in the case of administrative contracts, French law requires that in the event that the government modifies the terms of the contract on its own side, it must compensate the contractor for any increased burden resulting from the government’s action. 而且,即使在行政合同中,法国的法律要求:如果单方面更改合同条款,它要承担由此增加的负担,向签订合同方做出赔偿。
  10. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, government contracts are governed by the ordinary law of contracts, with the result that the government can reserve the power to modify or terminate a contract on its own side only by writing such power into the contract. 在美国和英国,合同受普通合同法的约束,因此,只能经过将自己的权力写进合同的方式,来保留单方面更改或终止合同的权力。

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