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最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:23
浏览次数: 85
终于领会托福写作模板参考积累 详细说明

  开头1 Recently an interesting question has been attached much concern to: is there any correlation between cleaning one’s room and success? Answers vary from one person to another. Some claim that students keeping their rooms neat and organized are more likely to be successful, while others oppose the idea that cleaning up the room has something to do with success. To my way of thinking, students who have the habit of keeping their rooms clean and tidy are more inclined to succeed than those who do not. My viewpoint is based on the following reasons.
  这是一个非常经典的开头,包括背景 争议 立场。背景是通过 Recently an interesting question has been attached much concern to 这个句型来引出,意为近来一个有趣的问题得到了很多的关注。紧接着通过答案因人而异 Answers vary from one person to another 引出争议。接下来通过Some claim以及while others oppose the idea阐述具体的不同的观点是什么。之后通过To my way of thinking来引出自己的观点,并且利用My viewpoint is based on the following reasons来承上启下。
  开头1的示范 Nowadays people are more willing to help others who they do not know (for example giving food or clothing) than they were in the past. [2016年12月3日考题] Recently an interesting question has been attached much concern to: are people nowadays more willing to help others [1]? Answers vary from one person to another. Some claim that people at present are more likely to lend a hand to others [2], while others oppose the idea. To my way of thinking, I am inclined to agree with the former or the latter [3]. My viewpoint is based on the following reasons.
  首先在1空和2空我们对题目进行转述,在第3空我们为了避免对题目进行再一次的转述,我们可以直接用 the former or the latter 这样的表达来亮明自己的立场,毕竟不是每个人都能把题目很快的而且还很好的转述三次的。
  It is easier to become an educated person today than it was in the past?[2016年11月26日考题] Recently an interesting question has been attached much concern to: is it easier for people today to become educated than in the old days? [1] Answers vary from one person to another. Some claim that receiving an education of higher quality has been becoming much easier not only because of economic boom but also because of the advancement in technology, [2] while others oppose the idea. To my way of thinking, I am inclined to agree with the former or the latter. [3] My viewpoint is based on the following reasons.
  1空我们依然是将题目变成了一个一般疑问句,其实就是调整一下语序。这个可操作性还是很强的。第2空这次写的稍微复杂一点点,不仅对题目进行了转述,也顺便给出了正文中会涉及到的两个原因。给出原因的时候我们用not only because of A but also of B 的结构,正好对应中间的两个主体段的理由。第三空不变,依然是利用the former or the latter 表明自己的立场。
  开头2 As is known to all, arts and athletics play irreplaceable and indispensable roles in people’s life for the former nurtures a sound mind while the latter guarantees a sound body. And recently there has been a heated debate on whether arts or athletics should be allocated more financial funds to. This debate divides people into two camps with opposite opinions, and as far as I’m concerned, athletics deserves more funding from government than arts does due to its greater significance. My reasons and examples are given below.
  跟开头1类似,这个也是一个背景 争议 立场的开头,只是表达和开头1相比有所变化而已。首先我们一、句话可以利用这样的句式来引入背景:A and B play irreplaceable and indispensable roles in people’s life for the former A的好处 while the latter B的好处。 紧接着我们通过 Recently there has been a heated debate on whether 来引出题目。接下来利用 This debate divides people into two camps with opposite opinions 来引出争议。之后通过 as far as I’m concerned 亮明自己的立场,并且利用 My reasons and examples are given below. 过渡到正文。
  开头2的示范 Governments should focus more on preservation of environment rather than economic development. [2009年3月22日]
  As is known to all, economy and environment play irreplaceable and indispensable roles in people’s life for the former ensures a decent life while the latter guarantees a sound body. And recently there has been a heated debate on whether economy or environment should be allocated more financial funds to. This debate divides people into two camps with opposite opinions, and as far as I’m concerned, environment deserves more funding from government than economy does due to its greater significance. My reasons and examples are given below.
  本题在改写的时候比较简单,我们只需要把 athletics 换成 economy 把 arts 换成 environment 即可,至于两者的好处如果需要调整的话也得进行相应的变化。毕竟我们不能说经济滋养健康的心灵。在套现成的东西的时候大家一定要把每一个该换的地方都换掉,千万不要搞出笑话。
  Do you agree or disagree, it is a waste of money for government to fund sPACe travel. [2015年10月11日] As is known to all, space technology play irreplaceable and indispensable roles in a country’s successful development for a country’s comPETitiveness in space exploration represents its national power. And recently there has been a heated debate on whether space travel should be allocated financial funds to. This debate divides people into two camps with opposite opinions, and as far as I’m concerned, the exploration of outer space deserves the funding from government due to its great significance. My reasons and examples are given below.
  由于开头涉及到两个元素而本题只有一个元素,所以在改写的时候我们要去掉一个,同时也要去掉所有关于比较的部分,比如一、句我们去掉了 the former and the the latter,而后面我们也去掉了有 than 以及 er 的表达。

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