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最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:35
浏览次数: 92
终于知道关于雅思写作的阅读写作分析 详细说明

  Well, I’d like to visit the newly built Wetlands Park in my hometown. My hometown is a small inlandtown(一个内陆小城), where a river goes through the heart of it. For the past two years, I’ve beenhearing from my parents that the government subsided(拨款) a large sum of money to build a parkaround the river to make the place a leisure spot.(一个休闲地方)
  Finally, in the last couple ofmonths, this big project was completed! I can’t wait to go and enjoy it! Not that there’s no otherfun places in my hometown, but according to my parents, this Wetlands Park is like a paradise! Itnot only offers natural beauty like trees and gardens, but also sports facilities like a basketballcourt and a big square for people to kick back and relax! Though the highlight of this park is thenight tourist boat, which used to be just a water vehicle to transport people. Now it has become atourist boat that only works at night for passengers to enjoy the tranquility of a small town’s night.
  I mean, just imagine lying in the boat, staring at the starry night sky and listening to the gentlesound of running water. Well, that’s about the best way to unwind in the world. Apparently, myparents have been taking strolls(散步) up there. But they haven’t got on the boat yet. We haveagreed to go on the night boat together when I could manage to use a holiday from the hectic(繁忙的) school life. Yeah, well, I am really looking forward to that.
  When it comes to(说起) the happiest day, I can't help thinking about my mother's birthday last year.It was such a coincidence that(强调句) my mother's birthday fell exactly on Mother's Day. So myfather and I decided that we should do something extra special on this memorable(值得纪念的) day.Having come up with(提出) several ideas, we finally made up our mind to cook at home for mymother.
  We also invited my aunt and her family to join us. My father and I went to buy some freshfruits and vegetables the day before, and then we searched for recipes on the internet. Havingdone all the preparations, we got started and as expected we were quite busy rushing from one toanother(手忙脚乱), hurried but delighted. We sat around the table, sang birthday songs and talkedover relishing(享用) the special dinner. I noticed that tears brimmed(热泪盈眶) in my mother’s eyes.
  Shortly after dinner, she posted a picture of my family on her Wechat moment, a social app, andalso cited a sentence that said: ‘Happiness is just like this moment’. I was almost moved to tearswhen I saw this. Bringing happiness to my mother made me truly satisfied and I would be morethan happy to do anything that would make us united. I will never forget that day because itbrought me real happiness.

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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