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所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:37
浏览次数: 100
总算知道英语四级真题答案作文范文分享 详细说明

  作文(第 一套):
  第 一篇:university
  Dear alex
  On hearing that you are planning to study in China, I decide to write you a letter torecommend a university to you. My recommendation is Hunan University, which isone of the most outstanding universities in China
  The reasons why I recommend this university can be listed as follows. First of allChangsha, where Hunan University is located, is such a fantastic city that it ownsmany amazing museums in which you can explore the mystery and prosperity ofancient China. Furthermore, you can eat a lot of famous traditional Chinese food andsnacks, which Changsha is famous for. Most important of all, Hunan University has ahigh reputation for its academic contributions to the world and the campus is justbeautiful
  I truly hope that you can come to Hunan University to start your college life and I'mlooking forward to your arrival. If you have any questions about the university or thecity I mentioned above, please feel free to contact me for further information
  Yours sincerely
  li Ming
  第二篇:city to learn Chinese
  Dear Alex
  On hearing that you are planning to study in China, I decide to write you a letter torecommend a university to you. My recommendation is Hunan University, which isone of the most outstanding universities in China
  The reasons why I recommend this university can be listed as follows. First of allChangsha, where Hunan University is located, is such a fantastic city that it ownsmany amazing museums in which you can explore the mystery and prosperity ofancient China. Furthermore, you can eat a lot of famous traditional Chinese food andsnacks, which Changsha is famous for. Most important of all, Hunan University has ahigh reputation for its academic contributions to the world and the campus is justbeautiful
  I truly hope that you can come to Hunan University to start your college life and I'mlooking forward to your arrival. If you have any questions about the university or thecity I mentioned above, please feel free to contact me for further information
  Yours sincerely
  li Ming

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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