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最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:38
浏览次数: 79
总算清楚2021年英语四级真题答案分享 详细说明

  选词填空 试卷一
  Section A
  26. [B] admiring
  27. [M] seaLED
  28. [I] natural
  29. [C] contains
  30. [K] released
  31. [L] revealing
  32. [O] substance
  33. [G] liquid
  34. [E] evidence
  35. [J] potential
  长篇阅读 试卷一
  Section B
  36. [E] USPS has sophisticated emergency plans for natural disasters.
  37. [I] Mail companies are logistics companies.
  38. [C] As global surface temperatures increase, so does the likelihood…
  39. [G] Every day, USPS processes, on average, 493.4 million pieces...
  40. [K] Rebuilding can take a long time, and even then…
  41. [F] As soon as it’s safe enough to be outside,
  42. [B] Even the United States postal Service(USPS) suspended mail
  43. [J] Private courier companies, which have more dollars to spend
  44. [D] Days after the deadly 2017 wildfires in Santa Rosa,
  45. [H] It can be hard to identify which parcels are carrying crucial items
  仔细阅读 试卷一
  46. [B] It is a course designed for students to learn online.
  47. [C] Students’ questions were unsatisfied with the assistants
  48. [A] She turned out to be a great success
  49. [D] They could not tell her from a real person
  50. [C] Assign her to answer more of students’ questions
  51. [C] Not all of them achieved their anticipated goals
  52. [B] To identify reasons for their different outcomes
  53. [B] Its interaction with prospective donors
  54. [A] They should be small to be successful
  55. [D] Their feeling of connection to the scientists themselves
  26: B admiring
  27: M sealed
  28: I natural
  29: C contains
  30: K released
  31: L revealing
  32: 0 substance
  33: G liquid
  34: evidence
  35: potential
  36:F段落第 一句: The city is no empty
  37:Ⅰ段落第 一句: Park Yeon See, the man who first i
  38:D段落第 一句: Chances are you' ve actually seen th
  39:G段落第 一句:“What' s happened is that our focus on
  40:B段落第 一句:Thel8 th century really was a water
  41:E段落第 一句: The city was supposed to be a hub fo
  42:Ⅱ段落第 一句: But this is not star trek
  43:A段落第 一句: Getting around a city is one thing- an
  44:了段落第 一句: Songdo’ s backers contend that it's st
  45:C段落第 一句: Songdo is a stone' s throw from Sout
  46、C)They cant connect professors and students as textbooks do
  47、D) Falling sales
  48、A) Reform its structures
  49、C)Answer questions using their personal experience
  50、B)They can learn in an interactive way
  51、D)It gets energy from both food and sunlight
  52、A)The genes it captures from the sea plant algae
  53、D)They can produce chlorophyll on their own
  54、C)They don't usually function inside animal cells
  55、B)They can survive for months without eating
  Chinese families attach great importance to childrens education. Many parents believe that they
  should work hard to guarantee their kid good education. They are not only willing to invest in their childs education but also spend much time in supervising his or her study for most parents
  hope that their child can be admitted into a prestigious university Owing to China's reform and
  opening-up, more and more parents can afford their kid's study in a foreign country or an international exchange programme, which will broaden his or her horizon. Through all these
  efforts, they expect their child to grow up healthily to make contribution to the nations
  development and prosperity

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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