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终于清楚英语四六级写作翻译范文解析 详细说明

   Monday July 22nd 1996 I woke up at 6: 30 AM to thesounds of my crackling radio, as I did every day. I openedmy chocolate brown curtains to a day o gray.①Everythingwas gray, the clouds were gray, the streets were gray, thehills in the far distance were gray, as far as the eye could seewas gray. Even the faded reflection looking back at me fromthe shutter was gray, but then so am I.
   You may know me already, I'm the strange bachelor wholives on the block who calls the police to complain about thenoise in your party or the man who keeps your offspring'sball that lands in my garden.② I am solitary and don t mingle, the person whom you both despise and feel sorry for inequal proportions, the person who you laugh at and fear andthe person who you just can't quite bring yourself to hate.
   At 7: 45 AM I got out of the car at my regular parkingsPACe, about ten minutes from the factory where I work. about five minutes into my short journey I came to a road andwaited to cross with the other pedestrians. I was standingnext to a young man, who was about 23 and didn't look as ifhe was from the area, and I assumed he was a foreign exchange student studying at the local university.
   We stood next to each other in silence, exchanging nothing more than a passing glance at each other's eyes. Then, Ididn't know if it was, maybe early morning tiredness, but hestarted to cross the intersection, seemingly unaware of theproximity of the car speeding towards him to his right.③
   Spontaneously, I put my hand out to intervene, in lessthan heroic fashion④, and stopped him. He woke up fromhis perplexity suddenly, shaking and breaking a sweat. Iasked him if he was OK, he said "yes" and thanked me in hisbroken English, and then as if we had never met, we crossedthe road and went on separate ways.
   As I walked to work that day I felt good, happy even.The more I thought about it, the more I realized I saved thatman's life. I knew then, however, that this outbreak of optimism would be short lived, and it was.⑤Before the day wasout I felt my usual self again. Lonely, angry and ever unhappy
   Thursday 30th January 2002, I opened my chocolatebrown curtains at 6: 30 AM to a day that was gray. Everything was gray, the clouds were gray, the streets were gray,the hills in the far distance were gray, as far as the eye couldsee was gray. Even the faded reflection looking back at merom the window was gray.
   I turned on my new portable television to be met by thesight of the early morning news.⑥
   As I dressed quietly, a story caught my eyes. I'm notreally the sort of person who keeps up-to-date with currentaffairs, so I couldn't tell you all the details, but I could tell itwas about some situation or other that had been avoided, duemainly to the intense negotiations between a coalition and apatriotic diplomat, the name of who I didn't catch, thoughthe eyes that looked at me from the small screen were theones of the student I met 6 years ago.
   I've never considered myself a deep thinker, I wasn'tvery good in school, nor did I go to university, but I left myhouse that day and walked with the light winter sun permeating on my face.
   My one action saved the life of a man who, in turn,may have negotiated tosafeguard the lives of thousands.⑦It wasn't just a coincidence. Of course what I did won't makethe early morning news, it won'teven make the local periodical, but to me it felt better than that, it elevated me to ahigher place where I had never been before.
   Someone once told me that the world is like a picturepuzzle⑧ and we are the pieces. Some are larger than others,some seem more important, some take up the corners andsome are the ones that people just automatically look forfirst at the beginning of each new puzzle.⑨Some pieceshowever,are small, pointless and get easily missed. Justfragments in the middle that receive little attention orthought, but are needed to complement each other andmakea complete image, and if just one gets lost it puts the wholepicture in jeopardy.⑩
   I am the small piece in the middle thatcanbeso cardinal. I won't win any awards, I won't get any recognition, butI can go forward in my everyday dull tasks, in my everydaydull life, knowing I've played my part and that I've made adifference.
   Of course I'm still the strange man who lives on yourblock, but now I'm the strange man who lives on your blockwith dignity who has found his role and fulfilLED his destiny.
  ①I openedmy chocolate brown curtains to a day o gray.
  ②You may know me already, I'm the strange bachelor wholives on the block who calls the police to complain about thenoise in your party or the man who keeps your offspring'sball that lands in my garden.
  ③seemingly unaware of theproximity of the car speeding towards him to his right.
  ④in lessthan heroic fashion.
  ⑤I knew then, however, that this outbreak of optimism would be short lived, and it was.
  ⑥I turned on my new portable television to be met by thesight of the early morning news.
  ⑦My one action saved the life of a man who, in turn,may have negotiated tosafeguard the lives of thousands.
  ⑧a picturepuzzle.
  ⑨andsome are the ones that people just automatically look forfirst at the beginning of each new puzzle.
  ⑩in jeopardy.
  Words & expressions
  assume vt.假定,假设;承担,担任;呈现
  automatic a.自动的;无意识的;自然的n.自动(或步枪等);有自动装置的汽车
  bachelor n.单身汉;学士(学位)
  cardinal n.红衣主教;基数词 a.很重要的,基本的
  chocolate n.巧克力,巧克力色
  coalition n.结合(体),同盟;联合
  coincide vi.同时发生;相符,相致;重合,重叠
  coincidence n.巧合,巧事;(意见爱好等的)一致,符合
  complement n./v.补充,补足 n.编制名额,装备定额;补(足)语
  despise vt.鄙视,看不起
  destiny n.命运,定数,天命
  dignity n.庄严,端庄;尊严,高贵
  diplomat n.外交官,外交家;有交际手腕的人,圆滑的人
  dull a.乏味的,单调的;晦暗的,阴沉的;低沉的;笨的;钝的
  elevate vt.(地位、形象)提升,提高;使情绪高昂;举起,使上升
  elevator n.电梯,升降机
  fragment n.碎片,碎块 v.(使)成碎片
  fulfill vt.完成(任务、计划等),履行(诺言、责任等);达到(目的),满足(愿望、要求等)
  fulfillment n.履行,实现,完成
  heroic a.英雄的,英勇的,崇高的
  intersection n.道路交叉口,交点
  intervene vi.(人)干涉,干预;干扰,阻挠
  mingle vt.(使)混合,(使)相混vi.相交往,相往来
  negotiate vt.顺利通过,成功越过 v.协商,谈判
  negotiation n.谈判,协商
  offspring n.子女,子孙,后代(动物的)崽
  optimism n.乐观
  optimistic a.乐观的
  outbreak n.爆发,突发
  patriotic a.爱国的,有爱国心的,显示爱国精神的
  pedestrian n.步行者,行人
  periodical n.期刊a.周期的,时而发生的;定期的
  permeate v.弥漫,遍布,散布;渗入,渗透
  perplex vt.使困惑,使费解,使复杂化超
  automatically ad.自动地
  crackle v.发轻微的爆裂声(如干柴燃烧时的响声),发噼啪声
  portable a.便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的
  proportion n.比例;部分;均衡,相称
  proximity n.接近,邻近
  recognition n.认出,识别;承认,认可;赏识,表彰,报偿
  safeguard vt.保护,维护 n.预防措施,保证条款
  shutter n.百叶窗;(照相机)快
  solitary a.(人)单独的,独自的;(物)单个的,惟一的;孤独的,隐居的
  spontaneous a.自发的,无意识的;自然的,天真率直的
  update vt.更新,使现代化 n.新信息
  jeopardy n.危险
  perplexity n.困惑,混乱
  spontaneously ad.自然地,本能地

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