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最后更新: 2021-11-25 17:56
浏览次数: 90
终于认识雅思作文如何审题你知道了吗 详细说明

  今天小编给大家分享的是雅思作文如何审题,很多考生写作技巧和语料准备都很充分,结果审题没看仔细,导致写作分数里自己的预期相去甚远。雅思写作的第 一步审题一定不能跑偏。
  There are 2 statements, and they are both opinions, though the 2nd opinion is of course considered to be a fact (in our world). Body 1 will focus on why ‘it is good’(beneficial) to ‘share’ information. Body 2 will focus on why many would consider information too valuable to share (to give away for free).
  通过题干后面一句话(The task)可以看出该题题型为:
  Discuss (讨论) & Opinion (观点)
  Understanding the words, statement, and task
  Meaning: We need to think about sharing scientific, business, and academic research information (includes data) without any barrier, border, cost, hindrance, problems, rules, regulations, and laws.
  Brainstorming and thinking
  Think about it for 1 minute, and write about whatever comes to mind, such as how would it be shared, and with whom, such as citizens, shoppers, scientists, academics, politicians, students, business people, companies, corporations, etc.
  In order to develop your ideas, we also need to think about the results. This means we are back to ‘why’ — why would it be good to share information with any of these groUPS? What would be the benefit for each?
  Now think ‘Macro’ (宏观), big picture, universal,a big vision…why is this good? Progress, development, one species, humanity, globalism, rapid development, phenomenal progress, scientific leap.
  Organizing your brainstorming
  Now we need to organize our thoughts. Let's go back to thinking Macro, and then a Micro idea, and if we can, try to connect both ideas.
  到这里,作文第 一个主体段(对应题目的第 一句话)的ideas已准备完毕 (从宏观到微观):
  Macro example sentence:
  Humanity would benefit from scientific data and academic research being transparent and free because it would allow for science and academic fields to progress rapidly, and as a consequence, humans might make an evolutionary jump.
  Micro example sentence:
  In accordance with business information being shared freely, it would create a level playing field whereby the only deciding factors in a business’s success would be the actual final product and service that a company sells, meaning a company might have to do much less research in creating a product, as they could use another company’s data and research information.
  For body 2, we need to focus on information, including research, being too important or valuable to share with others. This paragraph should be a little easier.
  Body 2 example sentence:
  For science, a great deal of research takes place that will benefit a country’s economy or society in the long-run, as a great deal of scientific research can translate into innovation, and innovation of something produces business opportunity.
  With this idea, we can see that the next sentence in the paragraph can be linked to business information, which if shared, can damage many aspects of the economy, from causing a lack of monetary incentive to research to losses for the overall economy.
  Remember, do not forget the academic research. It could be linked in the ‘science’ sentence.

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