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总算晓得雅思口语考试在2021年有什么变化 详细说明

  2021年迫不及待的来了。作为即将过去的一年,2021年的雅思考试算是在微博安了家,那么作为学生的短板雅思口语考试在2021年的情况是怎么样的? 下面跟随小编一起看看吧!
  雅思口语考试Part 1
  2019雅思口语Part 1新旧题数量一览表
  2021年雅思口语Part 1新旧题占比一览图
  Part 1 2021年三次换题季话题总和
  雅思口语考试Part 2
  2021年Part 2话题分布
  1-4月Part 2新题汇总
  1.Describe an intelligent person you know
  2.Describe someone you would like to work or study with
  3.Describe a friend's success that you were proud of
  4.Describe someone you have seen who is beautiful or handsome
  5.Describe someone you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up
  6.Describe an interesting old person you met
  1.Describe a new public facility which improves your local area
  2.Describe an ideal house
  1.Describe something you want to do but don't have enough time for
  2.Describe something you do that helps you work or study
  3.Describe an outdoor sport you would like to try for the first time
  4.Describe an activity you do to keep healthy
  5.Describe something you bought but don't use very often
  6.Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest now
  7.Describe a piece of good news you recently heard
  8.Describe a job your grandparent did
  9.Describe a kind of food people eat on special occasions
  1.Describe a time you enjoyed a day off work or school
  2.Describe a time you found something someone lost
  3.Describe a time when you taught a younger person something new
  4.Describe a situation when someone didn't tell you the complete truth
  5.Describe a time you received bad service from a shop or a company
  6.Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you are interested in
  5-8月Part 2新题汇总
  1.Describe someone you know who has interesting ideas or opinions
  2.Describe a person who helps others
  3.Describe a band or singer you like
  4.Describe a famous person from another country that you would like to meet
  5.Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well
  6.Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal
  1.Describe a park or garden you visited and liked
  2.Describe a historical building you visited
  1.Describe something special you brought back home from a holiday
  2.Describe a piece of clothing you often wear
  3.Describe a prize you would like to win
  4.Describe a practical skill you learned
  5.Describe a water sport you would like to try
  6.Describe a game or quiz show you saw on TV
  7.Describe an impressive advertisement you remember well
  1.Describe a time you gave advice to others
  2.Describe something a child did that made you laugh
  3.Describe a time you got up extremely early
  4.Describe a meal you invited others to have at your home or in a restaurant
  5.Describe a time you solved a problem online
  6.Describe a time you received a call from someone you didn’t know
  7.Describe a time you got incorrect information
  8.Describe an unusual vacation you had
  9.Describe a time the vehicle you took broken down in your travel
  10.Describe a time you had a good time with friends
  9-12月Part 2新题汇总
  1.Describe someone you know who often travels by plane
  2.Describe a person who is good at his/her job
  1.Describe a place you visited before which was full of colors
  2.Describe a place(not your home)that is good for reading and writing
  3.Describe a school you attended before
  4.Describe a new public place you would like to visit
  1.Describe a film you would like to talk about with your friends
  2.Describe a toy you enjoyed playing when you were a child
  3.Describe a gift that took you long time to prepare/select
  4.Describe something you borrowed from others
  5.Describe a special product popular in your hometown
  6.Describe a picture or a photo at home
  7.Describe an indoor game you played that you enjoyed playing
  8.Describe a leisure activity you do with your family
  1.Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement
  2.Describe an interesting conversation you had before
  3.Describe a time you met someone for the first time
  4.Describe an advice you received which was about choosing major or job
  5.Describe a time you lost something and then you got it back
  6.Describe something happened that made you feel happy
  7.Describe a special day impressed you deeply in your memory
  8.Describe a time you enjoyed watching the sky(either in daytime or at night)
  9.Describe a boring experience you had with others
  10.Describe a time you were very tired but still had to stay awake
  11.Describe a time you did not tell your friend(s)the whole truth about something
  1.2021年Part 1预测
  值得注意的是,近几年Part 1某些非常规题目的重复率很高,比如music,sports,walking之类的话题。或许在不久的将来,雅思口语考试Part1的一、个topic,便不限于我们的work or study, hometown以及 accommodation了。
  2. 2021年Part 2考情预测
  就Part 2的话题分布情况而言,近几年的波动均不算大。基本都是事件-物品-人物-地点这样由多到少的比重排列。事件类作为延展可能性多的话题,在2021年依然会Part 2的大梁。相对来说,地点类的话题选择要更为局限,所以可能出现的新题卡也不会太多。至于换题情况,雅思很大可能会继续保持同类题卡的多样性,也就是说,比如a leisure activity you do with your family,可能变形为a sport you do with your family, a leisure activity you do with your friends, a TV programme you used to watch with your family等话题。
  3. 2021年Part 3考情预测
  作为灵活性高的部分,2021年Part 3应该会继续保持它的机动性和分级功能:即考官会根据考生Part 1- 2的表现,提出难度不同的问题,或逐步加深问题难度,用以考查考生可以达到的语言高度。如笔者之前所说,Part 3的问题本不固定,但考官提问的方式却是有迹可循,无外乎就是之前归纳的那些类别,2020也不会例外。
  Part 3的一个难点在于听懂问题。这部分的问题经常很长也很复杂,在考试的环境中,考生可能由于各种因素误解考官的意思。这些因素可能是紧张,也可能是语言能力局限,还可能是认知局限。这些原因也造成了Part 3的另一个难点延展答案。假如明年的Part 3问到了5G的应用以及利弊优劣,考生是否能做到有话可说呢?

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