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最后更新: 2021-11-25 18:00
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总算知晓2021年考研英语完型的完美强化练习 详细说明

  In Nigeria, to marry__1___ not to marry is big deal;__2___ than having a university education, being poor or rich, being a pastor, or even being a scumbag. It is considered a __3___ of social and cultural failure for one, man or woman, not to marry or not to have been married.
  In a___4__, a person____5___a woman, who has gone in and out of a marriage, is placed on a ‘higher scale’ than a person who had never married, who had never tasted the sweetness and bitterness of marriage. You know, we are___6___ some foolishness in reasoning to __7___ some worth to something just because it is, not because of its value. Foolishness is the way of the world, the new world especially.How else do we explain scoring a___8___ marriage higher than no marriage at all? The big___9__ is, often, perhaps always, it is not in the___10___ of young people whether to marry. Marry they must!
  As for the ladies, the unwritten rule is harsher – they must marry a man or get a man to marry them, by___11__ or crook, fair or foul means. There is also a time___12__, that is, the time frame of age. A lady at thirty who is not married___13__ more than eyebrows in the family. She raises the blood pressure of some people, particularly the blood pressure of mothers and _14___ some extent that of the father. Fathers have a way of feigning indifference or showing more understanding__15__ mothers in some of these matters. Mothers are often the first to say ‘when will you bring a man home? Or, ‘what about that man who__16__ to call and talk to you at odd hours? Or, ‘if you carry on this way, you will never find a man to marry you! Such inanities often drive our girls___17__ all kinds of marriages, abusive or successful. I recall one lady__18__ some years ago ‘just let me taste marriage, even if for one or two years, let me wear the wedding gown, let people know that I got married at a time! The pressure is__19___ the lady to find a man, not a man to find her. For this reason, she must do things that must make her __20____ to and worthy of the other sex. Even stupid things!
  1、 A and B or C so D for
  2、 A bigger B dealing C more D much
  3、 A sign B disease C effect D reflection
  4、 A addition B word C way D sense
  5、 A especially B particularly C usually D commonly
  6、 A given B got C set D allowed
  7、 A describe B depict C ascribe D send
  8、 A harmonious B envious C foolish D disastrous
  9、 A end B sense C point D meaning
  10 A hands B minds C eyes D hands
  11、A hook B hanger Cbook D snare
  12、A stage B frame C period D spell
  13、A gets B brings C takes D raises
  14、A in B to C at D on
  15、A than B to C with D for
  16、A made B went C set D used
  17、A in B into C onto D for
  18、A doing B speaking C explaining D saying
  19、A for B with C at D on
  20、A beautiful B sunny C intelligent D attractive

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