终于知道考研英语熟词僻义练习分享 考研复试





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终于知道考研英语熟词僻义练习分享 考研复试

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-25 18:01
浏览次数: 78
终于知道考研英语熟词僻义练习分享 考研复试 详细说明

  (木头等的)纹理,纹路the natural lines you can see in a substance such as wood, which are the result of its structure
  The story wouldn’t have fooLED anyone with a grain of sense. 稍有一点头脑的人都不会被这个故事骗到。
  Cut along the grain of the wood. 顺着木头的纹路劈下去。
  The story wouldn’t have fooled anyone with a grain of sense.
  Cut along the grain of the wood.
  hammer 锤击;锤打;铁锤
  猛烈抨击,无情批评attack or criticize forcefully and relentlessly
  反复强调to keep saying something because you want people to understand or accept it
  (经大量讨论及争议后)商定(协议、合同等)to decide on an agreement, contract etc after a lot of discussion and disagreement
  he got hammered for an honest mistake.他因一无心的错误而受到严厉的批评。
  I keep hammering away at this point because it’s important.我一直反复强调这一点,因为它很重要。
  Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal. 几大石油生产国试图商定一个协议。
  he got hammered for an honest mistake.
  I keep hammering away at this point because it’s important.
  Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal.
  instrument 仪器;乐器
  促成某事的物[人];手段,方法something or someone that is used to get a particular result
  Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy. 利率是经济政策的重要调控手段。
  Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy.
  grain 粮食
  一点点a very small amount of something
  (木头等的)纹理,纹路the natural lines you can see in a substance such as wood, which are the result of its structure
  The story wouldn’t have fooled anyone with a grain of sense. 稍有一点头脑的人都不会被这个故事骗到。
  Cut along the grain of the wood. 顺着木头的纹路劈下去。
  hammer 锤击;锤打;铁锤
  猛烈抨击,无情批评attack or criticize forcefully and relentlessly
  反复强调to keep saying something because you want people to understand or accept it
  (经大量讨论及争议后)商定(协议、合同等)to decide on an agreement, contract etc after a lot of discussion and disagreement
  he got hammered for an honest mistake.他因一无心的错误而受到严厉的批评。
  I keep hammering away at this point because it’s important.我一直反复强调这一点,因为它很重要。
  Leading oil producers tried to hammer out a deal. 几大石油生产国试图商定一个协议。
  instrument 仪器;乐器
  促成某事的物[人];手段,方法something or someone that is used to get a particular result
  Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy. 利率是经济政策的重要调控手段。

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