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最后更新: 2021-11-25 18:02
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终于知道考研英语的翻译题预测分享 详细说明

  Section III Translation
  Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWERSHEET. (15 points)
  A group of astronomers who run a globe-girdling network of radio telescopes calLED the Event Horizon Telescope are expected to unveil the first-ever images of a black hole. The images today will reveal the real thing, and scientists at last will catch a glimpse of what had seemed unseeable.
  Black holes are objects so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape from their gravity.They were predicted by the equations of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, as solved by Karl Schwarzschild in 1915. That theory ascribes gravity to the warping of sPACe and time by matter and energy, much as a mattress sags under a sleeper. To Einstein’s surprise, the equations indicated that when too much matter or energy was concentrated in one place, space-time could collapse, trapping matter and light in perpetuity. Actual images would provide a final, ringing affirmation of an idea so disturbing that even Einstein was loath to accept it.
  句①A group of astronomers who run a globe-girdling network of radio telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope are expected to unveil the first-ever images of a black hole.
  【考点】定语从句 基本句型
  【分析】句子主干是A group of astronomers(主语)are expected to unveil(谓语)the first-ever images of a black hole(宾语). who引导定语从句,指代先行词astronomers,who(主语)run(谓语)aglobe-girdling network of radio telescopes(宾语) called the Event Horizon Telescope(宾补).
  【词汇】astronomer n.天文学家 radio telescopes n.射电望远镜
  unveil v.揭开,揭露 are expected to… 有望…
  句②The images today will reveal the real thing, and scientists at last will catch a glimpse of what had seemed unseeable.
  【分析】并列句1:The images today(主语)will reveal(谓语)thereal thing(宾语).
  并列句2:scientists(主语)[at last](状语) will catch a glimpse of(谓语)…
  What引导宾语从句 what(主语)had seemed(系动词)unseeable(表语).
  【词汇】catch a glimpse of… 看一看,瞥一眼
  句③Black holes are objects so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape from their gravity.
  【考点】基本句型 结果状语从句
  【分析】句子主干是Black holes(主语) are(系动词)objects(表语). So…that..引导结果状语从句,that nothing, not even light, (主语)can escape from(谓语)their gravity(宾语).
  【词汇】dense adj.稠密的,浓厚的
  escape from… v.逃脱…, 避免…
  句④They were predicted by the equations of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, as solved by Karl Schwarzschild in1915.
  【考点】被动语态 非性定语从句
  【分析】句子主干是They(主语) were predicted by(谓语)the equations of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity(宾语).as引导非性定语,as (is) solved by (谓语) Karl Schwarzschild (宾语)[in 1915](时间状语).
  【词汇】equations n.方程式,等式
  general relativity n.广义相对论
  句⑤That theory ascribes gravity to the warping of space and time by matter and energy,much as a mattress sags under a sleeper.
  【分析】句子主干是That theory(主语)ascribes gravity to(谓语)the warping of space and time(宾语)[by matter and energy](方式状语). much as引导比较状语从句,much as a mattress(主语) sags(谓语)[under a sleeper](状语).
  【词汇】warping n.扭曲 mattress n.
  sags v.凹陷,减少
  句⑥To Einstein’s surprise, the equations indicated that when too much matter or energy was concentrated in one place, space-time could collapse, trapping matter and light in perPETuity.
  【考点】时间状语从句 宾语从句
  【分析】句子主干是[To Einstein’s surprise](状语), the equations(主语)indicated(谓语)that…. when 引导时间状语从句,when too much matter or energy(主语) was concentrated in(谓语)one place(宾语). that引导宾语从句,that space-time(主语)could collapse,(谓语)[trapping matter and light in perpetuity](状语).
  【词汇】concentrated in…集中于… perpetuity n.永久,永恒
  句⑦Actual images would provide a final, ringing affirmation of an idea so disturbing that even Einstein was loath to accept it.
  【考点】基本句型 结果状语从句
  【分析】句子主干是Actual images(主语) would provide(谓语)a final, ringing affirmation of an idea(宾语).so…that引导结果状语从句,so disturbing that even Einstein(主语) was(系动词)loath to accept it(表语).
  【词汇】affirmation n.主张,断言
  disturbing adj.令人不安的,烦扰的
  (二) 参考译文
  第四档( 13~15 分):理解准确无误;表达通顺清楚;没有错译、漏译。
  第三档( 9~12 分):理解基本准确;表达比较通顺。没有重大错译、漏译。
  第二档( 5~8 分):理解原文不够准确,表达欠通顺;有明显错译、漏译。
  一档( 0~4 分):不能理解原文;表达不通顺;文字支离破碎。
  ①A group of astronomers who run a globe-girdling network of radio telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope are expected to unveil the first-ever images of a black hole.(定语从句 基本句型3分)
  ②The images today will reveal the real thing, and scientists at last will catch a glimpse of what had seemed unseeable.(并列句型 宾语从句 1.5分)
  ③Black holes are objects so dense that nothing, not even light, can escape from their gravity.(状语从句基本句型 2分)
  ④They were predicted by the equations of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, as solved byKarl Schwarzschild in 1915.(被动语态定语从句 2.5分)
  ⑤That theory ascribes gravity to the warping of space and time by matter and energy, much as a mattress sags under a sleeper.(基本句型状语从句 2分)
  ⑥To Einstein’s surprise, the equations indicated that when too much matter or energy was concentrated in one place, space-time could collapse, trapping matter and light in perpetuity.(状语从句 宾语从句2分)
  ⑦Actual images would provide a final, ringing affirmation of an idea so disturbing that even Einstein was loath to accept it.(基本句型状语从句 2分)

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