总算领会雅思口语参考答案练习分享 雅思阅读





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总算领会雅思口语参考答案练习分享 雅思阅读

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-09 06:40
浏览次数: 78
总算领会雅思口语参考答案练习分享 雅思阅读 详细说明

  Q:Describe an old person who is interesting.
  You should say:
  Who the person is?
  How did you know this person?
  How long you have known this person?
  And explain why you think this person is interesting.
  A:The old person who never fails to impress me is Mommy Apple. I worked with her for more than three years in Convergys which was one of the top 5 outsourcing companies in the world. When I still worked in the said company, Mommy Apple was my best comrade, she is the oldest yet the most confident, adventurous, fashionable, erudite and affluent senior in the company. Both of us take supervisor calls and she would always have endless patience in talking to irate and demeaning callers.
  Moreover, other employees work like horse to bring home the bacon while Mommy Apple finds great enjoyment in working not because of the salary but because she merely wants to interact with other people. Further, I guess she doesn't really need a huge salary because she would always turn down a job promotion. She told me that she loves helping and working with our subordinates because it is what makes her in high spirits. On top of that, Mommy Apple used to be a writer in an international magazine, she owns a car, she has a huge and elegant house, her children have successful careers, her husband is a lawyer,
  they own a law firm and she was already wealthy prior to joining Convergys. She is a wanderlust person as well and she has been to different countries already and despite her age, her wealth and her amazing achievements and experiences, she maintains a youthful appearance, she remains to be a down-to-earth person who does not think highly of herself as well as she treats everyone with respect. These are the things that make her unique and interesting.

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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