终于认识英语口语短句复习资料分享 英语入门





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终于认识英语口语短句复习资料分享 英语入门

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-09 09:20
浏览次数: 103
终于认识英语口语短句复习资料分享 英语入门 详细说明

  1 Hi, how are you today?
  2 I'm pretty good.
  3 What are you up to?
  4 Not much/ nothing much.
  5 When you go to a new country, you must want to try new food.
  6 What do you want to eat?
  7 Do you have any suggestions?
  8 I know of a good Mexican restaurant.
  9 I won't argue about that choice.
  10 They have good Mexican beer too.
  11 What do you say?
  12 Let's hit the road.
  13 I hope it helps.
  14 Excuse me, sir. Is breakfast included?
  15 Your booking just comes with one breakfast.
  16 OK. How much is the breakfast normally?
  17 It's 15 dollars.
  18 I want to charge this to my room, please.
  19 Yes, no problem.
  20 What is your name and room number?
  21 Good morning. Can I take your order?
  22 Yes. Could I have a Latte?
  23 Sure. What size would you like?
  24 Tall, please. I'll have a chocolate muffin.
  25 OK. That'll be 6.30 in total.
  26 Here is 7 dollars.
  27 Here's your change. You can pick up your order over there.
  28 Good afternoon. Where are you flying today?
  29 May I have your passport, please?
  30 Here you go.
  31 Are you checking any bags?
  32 Just this one.
  33 I have a stopover in Chicage. Do I need to pick up my luggage there?
  34 No, it'll go straight through Los Angeles.
  35 Here are your boarding passes.
  36 Your flight leaves from Gate 7.
  37 It'll begin boarding at 3.
  38 Do you have a laptop? ma'am
  39 Please take off your shoes and hat as well.
  40 How about my belt?
  41 Please step inside with your hands up.
  42 I'm pregnant. Can I have the manual scan?
  43 Sure. Please step aside and wait over there. It'll be just a minute.
  44 What can I get you to drink? Miss.
  45 I'll take a cup of soda, please.
  46 Sure. Would you like ice with that?
  47 That would be great.
  48 Can you please tell me where the restroom is?
  49 Sure. It's just down the hall on your left.
  50 Great. Thanks.
  51 Excuse me. How much does this magazine cost?
  52 Let me see. This is 4.
  53 Great. Can I pay with a credit card?
  54 Not a problem.
  55 Can I take your order?
  56 Sure. I'll have a hamburger with a salad.
  57 OK. What can I get you to drink?
  58 Just ice water would be great.
  59 Can you please hold the garlic?
  60 Not a problem. I'll notify the chef.
  61 Thanks. I've got a date tonight, so no garlic for me.
  62 Can you please tell me where the mall is?
  63 Yeah, it's just around the corner.
  64 I need to make a list of things that we need.
  65 Be sure to bring enough money. We need a lof of groceries.
  66 How may I help you, sir?
  67 I would love some help getting on the wifi. What's the password?
  68 Sorry, sir, but I have to ask, are you a guest here?
  69 Hello there. Do you know how much it will cost to catch a cab from here to the park?
  70 Should be around 20.
  71 Hi, sorry to bother you, but could you help me with some directions? I'm headed to this address.
  72 Sorry. I'm not from around here.
  73 No worries.
  74 Oh man. I'm exhausted.
  75 You're still not over your jetlag?
  76 I guess not. But it has already been three days.
  77 A long time difference though. Be sure to stay hydrated and eat healthy these days.
  78 Excuse me, but do you have a phone charger I can borrow?
  79 My phone is dead.
  80 seem like everyone's phone is out of battery today.
  81 What kind of a phone do you have?
  82 I would use my own power bank, but it's dead too.
  83 What can I get you to drink?
  84 I'm not quite sure. Is there anything on special today?
  85 Well. If you wait about 20 minutes. Our happy hour will start.
  86 I don't know. I'm pretty thirsty. Let's start off with a pint of Budweiser.
  87 It's been a long day. Let's take some shots.
  88 Are you sure that'd be a good idea?
  89 Come on, man. Live a little.
  90 Oh man. I'm really craving some seafood.
  91 What are you feeling like?
  92 I feel like some lobster and scallops.
  93 Sounds great. What kind of sauce do you want?
  94 I'm drooling.
  95 Go light on the sauce.
  96 Why don't you like Sam?
  97 I don't know. I can't put my finger on it. I just feel we can't trust him.
  98 How was your vacation?
  99 It was alright, but it rained the whole time we were there.
  100 We may be going to travel at Spring Festival, but it's still up in the air.

终于认识英语口语短句复习资料分享 英语入门是勤学思教育网的主要产品,我们的产品负责人是张生,有需要的朋友请直接拨打我的电话13988888888,我们的地址是勤学思教育网,期待与您的合作!
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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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