终于领会雅思写作大作文预测之城市中的年轻人 雅思备考





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终于领会雅思写作大作文预测之城市中的年轻人 雅思备考

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-09 11:20
浏览次数: 78
终于领会雅思写作大作文预测之城市中的年轻人 雅思备考 详细说明

  2021年6月雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文:城市中的年轻人 。 小编为大家带来社会类雅思写作话题预测。下面就请各位备考托福的宝宝们跟随小编的脚步一起来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助~
  原题是:The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. What are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with? Give solutions to these problems. 大城市仍在增长,但年轻人的问题也在增多。请问他们面临的问题是什么?我们该如何解绝?
  雅思大作文范文Majority of the cities have been developing rapidly. This growing, leads to the problem that made the young people struggle. Nevertheless, there are some possible solutions that could be taken into account to address this issue.
  High standard of living is a main problem of youngster living in the cities. All of the costs, such as foods andaccommodations are higher than in the urban areas. This is due to the comPETition of business among city dwellers is firm. In addition, another major problem is the traffic jam. As the city is the most densely occupied area, many of them prefer using their own vehicle to using public transportation. Thus, it is undoubtedly that the bottleneck is the problem that make the youngster struggles.
  Turning to the possible solutions, the young people ought to liveeconomically and manage their moneyefficiently. For instance, they not buy unnecessary items, more often eat at home rather than at restaurant, and so forth. Therefore, they are able to savedepositfor a rainy day. Another possible solution is, they are supposed to use public transportation in their daily pursuits. If the distance of destination place is nearby, walking is the best way to decrease the number of transportation in the street. Hence, the problems of traffic jam could be diminished.
  In conclusion, living in the big cities leads to the troubles for the young people. However, the problems they facing are a challenge, in order to they become a good citizen who are able to adapt in every hard situation.

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