终于认识托福写作满分范文点评和思路解析 新托福





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终于认识托福写作满分范文点评和思路解析 新托福

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最后更新: 2021-12-09 14:20
浏览次数: 105
终于认识托福写作满分范文点评和思路解析 新托福 详细说明

   托福写作难点话题一览What does success come from, taking risks or careful planning?
  Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
   本话题高分范文赏析Magazines and newspapers never tire of telling stories about people who have come to success quickly by taking risks. However, the problem with taking chances is that, while one can win a fortune, one can also lose everything. Careful planning helps reduce that possibility, and it is a basic skill that all established business people have. Therefore, I believe that continued success in life will be the result of careful planning as well as taking risks. Careful planning is a requisite part of life, especially when one's decisions can imPACt one's own life and the lives of others in a significant way. For example, the CEO of a company must weigh all of his options cautiously.
  After all, his decisions will impact not only his life and that of his family but also the lives of his workers and families. Due to a miscalculation on his part the company could incur significant losses. These losses might be so substantial that the company will be forced to cut jobs in order to save money or save the company itself. Therefore, the CEO's carelessness could cost him his job or, even worse, could cost the jobs of other workers in the company who might be less well-off than him. At the same time,
  taking chances is necessary on the way to success. People who get too caught-up in careful planning often find themselves unable to make decisions. They are looking for more and more information in order to make a well informed assessment, but they are taking too long. For example, the same CEO who plans the moves of his company carefully so as to minimize the possibility of failure faces tough comPETition in the business world. In order to stay ahead of his rivals he will have to make decisions on the fly to beat out competing companies who are trying to buy the same materials or sell similar products. Thus, depending on the situation, taking a risk could be necessary to save a company or to ensure its prosperity well into the future.

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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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