终于理解托福写作高分范文点评和思路讲解 新托福





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终于理解托福写作高分范文点评和思路讲解 新托福

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最后更新: 2021-12-09 14:20
浏览次数: 107
终于理解托福写作高分范文点评和思路讲解 新托福 详细说明

  Are decisions that people make quickly always wrong?
  Decisions can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The decisions that people make quickly are always wrong. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
  不能同意。确实,有些时候快速做出的决定可能是错的。(举例) 然而,决定是否正确还有很多其他影响因素,并且,快不等于not careful。极端的例子是战场上的指挥官,必须要快速做出正确决定。罗列几个影响“决定正确与否”的其他因素。
  If the question asked was whether or not a decision that is quickly made is always wrong, and required an absolute yes-no answer, I think the answer had to be a resounding "no". While carefully thinking out decisions can be important, there are many decisions that are best suited to impulsive, spontaneous outcomes. Consider I am sitting home alone one morning, contemplating what to do with my day. There are a number of things I should get done during the day: I have to clean my apartment, as well as do some grocery shopping. A friend calls, and invites me to see an art exhibition that sounds very interesting.
  This situation does not require a carefully thought out decision. I can easily put off my small errands for later in the day, or even until the next day. The decision was made very quickly, and, in my opinion, was definitely not wrong. A second example can be seen at the workplace. I am employed at a busy real estate office. I have a number of responsibilities that I have to contend with during the day. If I took the time to carefully think out each decision I made during the day,
  my company would quickly lose many important deals. In some situations, one must act on instinct in order to get the job done as quickly andefficiently as possible. With that said, there are, of course, situations which do require careful thought and consideration before reaching a decision. For example, buying an apartment or a house is a very big decision to make. In this circumstance, I would not make a choice without careful evaluation of all of theinformationavailable. While some decisions require very careful thought, others can easily be made quickly and still be correct. If I had to carefully consider all of the decisions I have to make in a day, I would never get anythingaccomplished.

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