终于晓得新托福写作考题范文分享 托福备考





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终于晓得新托福写作考题范文分享 托福备考

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最后更新: 2021-12-09 19:20
浏览次数: 112
终于晓得新托福写作考题范文分享 托福备考 详细说明

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Primary school is considering spend more time on teaching young students(5-11) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.
   In contemporary schools, it is no longer uncommon for students to get involved in various subjects so as to develop at an all-round way. In fact, which subject should be attached with more importance in primary schools has aroused much discussion recently. Actually, the idea that students at the elementary level should spend more time learning technology instead of music and art has occurred to many people today. From my perspective, laying more emphasis on technology learning, such as the use of computers and internet, is indeed more vital for primary students.
   First, learning technology can help children better adapt to academiclifein school. Thanks to the remarkable advancement of technology, a variety of technological equipment have played an indispensable role in many classes. For instance, many educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to universities, now tend to utilize iPad and computers to assign academic tasks to students, which is more convenient and explicit than paper-based assignments. Therefore, if children can learn how to use these electronic devices since primary school, they will be more likely to be proficient in using these technological devices and as a result, they will find it easier to adapt to academic life no matter which level they are staying at.
   Furthermore, children can enlarge their knowLEDge with the help of technology. In this day and age,the access to the internet and technological devices have brought significant convenience to people who want to acquire information. Similarly, the knowledge children have derived from the class usually needs to be supplemented by additional information sothat they can develop a better understanding and digestion of the knowledge. Hence, provided that children learn how to apply the technological tools to their study in primary schools, it is more likely for them to explore the knowledge imparted in class deeper and get better academic performance.
  Certainly, some opponents may pinpoint that learning music and art can stimulate students' interest and fulfill their potential in these fields as well. However, compared with technology, music and art obviously do not play an essential role in children's life, which means it is reasonable to reduce the time they spend in these courses. Moreover, nowadays, many artistic fields involve the use of technology as well, including computer cartography, interior design and electronic music composition. In other words, even if children are interested in the realm of art, it is also necessary for them to develop proficiency in technology.
   Taking all the analysis into consideration, we can safely draw the conclusion that spending more time in technological disciplines rather than music and art is quite essential in elementary schools.
  ——440 words
  The words he used mainly came from contemporary literature.
  Lay emphasis on
  Students should lay their emphasis on .academic work instead of extra-class activities.
  Explicit laws should be established to prevent children from being abused.
  Many people are proficient in computer use today.
  The most efficient way to enlarge your circle of friends is to connect yours with others’.

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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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