不知道这7种逻辑错误?怪不得你的GMAT 写作只有3分。上次我们已经说了,GMAT写作的一些基本特点,以及7种常见的逻辑误区的前4种。不知道的同学点击:7种逻辑错误学习哦。今天,我们继续说说剩下的3种,认真看下去吧!
Insufficient Sample
(OG2017, Page 816)
The following appeared in a newspaper story giving advice about investments:
“As overall life expectancy continues to rise, the population of our country is growing increasingly older. For example, over twenty percent of the residents of one of our more populated regions are now at least 65 years old and occupancy rates at resort hotels in that region declined significantly during the past six months. Because of these two related trends, a prudent investor would be well advised to sell interest in hotels and invest in hospitals and nursing homes instead.”
文章指出,随着人们寿命的增长,老龄化现象越来越严重,例如,在该国某一人口较稠密地区,超过 20% 的居民年龄达到 65 岁;同时在过去六个月里,当地的度假旅馆入住率急剧下降。由此文章得出结论,明智的投资者应该卖掉在旅馆上的投资,转而投资医院和养老院。
Gratuitous Assumption
(OG2017, Page 822)
The following appeared as part of an article in a popular science magazine:
“Scientists must typically work 60 to 80 hours a week if they hope to further their careers. Consequently, good and affordable all-day child care must be made available to both male and female scientists if they are to advance in their fields. Moreover, requirements for career advancement must be made more flexible so that preschool-age children can spend a significant portion of each day with a parent.”
原文指出,良好的、可承担的全日制儿童看护是一位科学家(不分性别)在专业领域取得进展的必要条件,因为这样他们每周就有 60 到 80 小时的时间用于研究。这一说法的问题在于作者错误的认为科学家们将孩子送到儿童看护机构是其获得足够研究时间的必要条件。
Either-or Choice
(OG2017, Page 815)
The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:
“Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company's projections. However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is below the projected volume. If the transit company expects commuters to ride the shuttle busses to the subway rather than drive there, it must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking at the subway stations.”
至此,GMAT 写作中七种常见的逻辑错误已经全部介绍完,但这并不涵盖全部的逻辑错误,其他的逻辑错误因为相对少见,在此不做介绍。
总的来说,不管是何种逻辑错误,都是从论据(evidence)和推理(reasoning)两点入手,找漏洞,然后去分析,这也是 GMAT 写作的本质所在。
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