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总算知道雅思阅读选择题答题技巧 详细说明

  在雅思阅读考试中 ,考试的大部分题型是选择题,而且选择题也是考试比较经典的题型,是我们拿到分值的一个好机会。今天小编为大家准备的是雅思阅读选择题技巧,希望这四步答题技巧能帮助大家轻松答对选择题。
  Step 1. 雅思阅读题目要求,看是单选还是多选,如是多选,选几项,还要注意多选题的每一个正确选项占用一个题号,在誊写答题纸的时候要注意。
  Step 2. 雅思阅读题干,标出定位词。
  例如剑四 Test2 Passage2 Alternative medicine in Australia: Question 14 and 15 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 14 and 15 on your answer sheet. 14.Traditionally, how have Australian doctors differed from doctors in many Western countries? A. They have worked closely with pharmaceutical companies. B. They have often worked alongside other therapists. C. They have been reluctant to accept alternative therapists. D. They have regularly prescribed alternative remedies. 15. In 1990, Americans A. were prescribed more herbal medicines than in previous years. B. consulted alternative therapists more often than doctors. C. spent more on natural therapies than orthodox medicines. D. made more complaints about doctors than in previous years. 分析14题的题干,其定位词应为Australian doctors, differ from, doctors in many Western countries, 通过定位词则很容易将这道题目定位到一、段一、句话。 15题的定位词则更明显,1990, Americans, 定位到文章一、段的后面一句话。 注:有时候题干中并没有出现定位词,则必须通过选项来定位。 如:According to the reading passage, which of the following is true? 像这样的题目只能通过从选项中挑出关键词然后去原文中定位。
  Step 3. 阅读选项,标出关键词。
  在这里,雅思阅读选择题解题技巧的关键词即为选项所描述信息的主题,多为名词或名词性短语或动宾短语。例如上面的第15题,对于每个选项可标出如下关键词: A. more herbal medicines B. consulted alternative therapists C. spent more on natural therapies D. more complaints Step 4. 回原文读相关段落确定答案,正确答案常常是原文相关词句的同义改写。通过前两步标定位词和关键词可大致确定题目出自哪个段落,接下来就需要读原文某段或者某几句话,通过对比关键词和原文来确定答案。如上文中第14题,原文中的表达为…having a very conservative attitude to natural or alternative therapies, 通过conservativeattitude(保守的态度)一词可推出正确答案为C,对应reluctant(不情愿的)。
  a. TWINS原则--与原文在用词选择上极为相近的选项通常是干扰项,一般可予以排除。
  例如剑4Test1Passage3: 28. The writer was surprised because the blind woman A. drew a circle on her own initiative. B. did not understand what a wheel look like. C. included a symbol representing movement. D. was the first person to use lines of motion. 定位原文为: From a number of recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in sPACe. But pictures are more than literal representations. This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle (Fig. 1). I was taken aback. Lines of motion, such as the one she used, are a very recent invention in the history of illustration. Indeed, as art scholar David Kunzle notes, Wilhelm Busch, a trend-setting nineteenth-century cartoonist, used virtually no motion lines in his popular figures until about 1877. 分析:A选项几乎与原文一样(…a blind woman….decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel), 但是往下读会发现,作者吃惊的原因并不是因为盲人妇女自己画了一个圈,而是因为为了显示这种运动,她又在圈里面画了一个曲线(to show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle)。正确选项C与原文形成同义转换:included—traced, representing—show, movement—motion. 此方法对于基础较为薄弱,对原文意思较难理解的同学比较适合,可以通过排除,提高正确选项的概率。
  b. 含有太过肯定词语的选项通常是干扰项,一般可排除。
  例如剑5Test 1Passage1: WhichTHREE of the following statements are true of Johnson’s Dictionary? A. It avoided all scholarly words. B. It was the only English dictionary in general use for 200 years. C. It was famous because of the large number of people involved. D. It focused mainly on language from contemporary texts. E. There was a time limit for its completion. F. It ignored work done by previous dictionary writers. G. It took into account subtleties of meaning. H. Its definitions were famous for their originality. 分析:选项A和B中包含肯定词(all, the only), 因此是干扰选项的概率比较大,考生去原文中寻找并未发现此类肯定的描述,所以可以排除掉。

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