总算认识雅思大作文老建筑类题目应该怎样写 雅思考试





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总算认识雅思大作文老建筑类题目应该怎样写 雅思考试

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最后更新: 2021-12-10 15:00
浏览次数: 586
总算认识雅思大作文老建筑类题目应该怎样写 雅思考试 详细说明

  Some people think certain types of old buildings are worth preserving more than other ones. Which types of old buildings should be preserved?Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?
  Some old buildings are plain [平淡无奇的] and old, and they do not need to be preserved as they have no value. By contrast, some other old buildings are valuable and thus should be kept and well maintained.
  Those with architectural[建筑方面的] feature are the first that need to be preserved. Those structures have value not only in the sphere of engineering since experts need to know the technology behind the construction and the structural designs but also because of their stylistic exteriors[外部] or interiors[内部]. The knowLEDge, the ancients’ wisdom, may be transferred[转移] to the modern-day engineering as treasure. For example, some buildings were erected[树立] centuries ago and they still stand firmly[牢牢地站在那里], and architects may be able to learn the ancient way and build structures that can endure earthquakes. In addition, some old buildings witnessed momentous [重大的(决定、事件等)] events in history and, as a result, need to be protected as they have symbolic[标志性的]significance.
  There is no denying that the funds invested in the preservation of those old buildings is a colossal sum[一大笔数额(的钱)]. It may be an undesirable extra[额外的事物] in any government’s budget. However, those buildings may have a lot to offer, more than the cost of preservation. As is mentioned, with the addition of knowledge, modern architecture and construction can be more sophisticated. Benefiting from the knowledge, we now are able to build sound[稳固的] and long-lasting[持久的] structures. Second, those historic buildings are where today’s people see and feel the history. Awed [使xxx敬畏] by those buildings, local residents and visitors feel respectful to the city, and the city thus benefit.
  At this point, any doubt or hesitation[犹豫] in preserving those aged buildings would be unfair and unreasonable. The preservation must be on condition that [在...条件下] those buildings have value.
  雅思大作文:老建筑考题面面观,old buildings 另一题!你学会了吗?

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