终于找到有关团队的商务英语讲解 商务英语阅读





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终于找到有关团队的商务英语讲解 商务英语阅读

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-10 17:00
浏览次数: 636
终于找到有关团队的商务英语讲解 商务英语阅读 详细说明

  今天小编为大家准备了商务英语:A Good Team Leader,希望对大家有所帮助,接下来跟小编一起看看吧。
  What do you think is the role of a team leader?
  A team leader is a person who leadsa group of individuals to achieve set objectives or goals. Providing instruction,direction and coordinating the team work are the major responsibilities of a team leader. A team leader also performs many of the same tasks as the rest of the team member.
  What are the effective ways to boost team moral?
  One way is to organize team-relaxed events so that employees feel more connected to one another and this will enhance a greater sense of responsibility for the success of the team. Another way is to give incentives(动机)to those have performed well, or toaddress(演讲)the suggestions given by team members.
  What is essential in successful team building?
  I think the secret of successful team building is setting up mutual trust. When member share a trusting relationship, they will better communicate with each other. This helps to bring out the potentials, experience and creativity of the individual and create good work environment.
  Is it a good idea to hire a team building provider?
  Yes, If we get professional advice from a team building provider, we can improve the way team members communicate, upgrade their ability to solve problems and increase work efficiency in general.
  What are the bad effects of never praising your teammates?
  As a team leader, you should always be ready to praise your teammates whenever they have done a good job. Not to show your appreciationfor their efforts can discourage them and as a result can lower the moral of the team.
  What are the qualities bad leaders have in common?
  Bad leaders usually have a negative attitude towards everything. They are overly critical and always see negative outcome in just about everything the team members do. They cannot trust people and usually lack communication skills, so they tend to ignore information or concerns raised by his teammates.
  Should the length of service be considered in selecting a team leader?
  Yes, If you choose a person who has worked in the company for a considerable length of time, he certainly has a good knowLEDge of the organization, and can make better decisions suited to the workplace.
  Isemotion management skillimportant for a team leader?
  Yes. Being a team leader can be emotionally challenging. Emotional maturity(成熟的)is what a good team leader should possess.He should be also to not only control his own emotion, but gauge(评估) the motion of his team, manage their anxieties.

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公司电话: 13988888888




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