少儿英语 美术课程
Teacher:Let's have a look at these pictures.(Guide the children to observe the animals in the picture.)Teacher:These animals are so want to prepare a gift and send it to my best friend. Would you like to do it as well?
Teacher:I have already prepared many materials so that you can make a beautiful gift for your friend. Look, this is dough. You can usethe dough to make all kinds of animals like cats, tigers and so on! Look! I've made some animals by using the dough. (The teacher shows some models.)
Students:It's beautiful.
Teacher:You can make animals in gro
UPS. Each group can make the animals which they like. Let's begin. (The teacher goes to help the children individually.)
Teacher:Let's have a look at what you have made.
Students:These are dogs. It's a rabbit They are lovely.
学生们:这些是小狗,这是小兔。它们真可爱。去看看:少儿英语 表演节目
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