Two Blondes and Two Mice
There were two blondes as roommates and they both bought mice. When they go thome thefirst blondes aid,"How are we going to tell them apart?"The second blonde said,"Why don't wetake one and chop off one of it slegs?"
But during the night the mouse with four legs said to the mouse with three legs,'That's notfair-I want three legs too."So the mouse with three legs told him to eat one of his so hedid.
The next morning the blondes were up set about this so they did the same thing as the daybefore- But again the mouse with three legs ate one of his went on until both mice had notails and none of the blondes shouted,"All right,that'sit!You take the blackone and l'lltake the white one!"
第二天早上两个金发女郎对此感到非常的沮丧,所以她们像前一天那样又剁了一只老鼠的一条腿儿。但是三条腿儿的老鼠又吃掉了自己的一条腿儿。这样一直到后两只老鼠都没有尾巴和腿儿了。两个金发女郎中的一个 喊道:算了吧,算了吧。你拿那只黑色的老鼠,我拿那只白色的老鼠好了!’