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最后更新: 2022-05-31 17:31
浏览次数: 102
终于理会如何用英语分配工作 详细说明
Schedules   A: Sir, here is a letter from the organizing committee of the Hitech Forum. You are invited to attend the meeting.   B: When will the forum be?   A: It will last for three days, from Tuesday, April 12th to Thursday,April 14th.   B: I see. What about the venue?   A: Rainbow Technology Company sponsors their hotel.   B: I will consider. Is the schedule or arrangement attached?   A: Yes, sir. Let me report it to you.   B: Fine. How is the first day arranged?   A: There will be a short opening ceremony from 9 . to 10 the morning; followed by a one-hour report on the recent development of high technology.   B: That's nice. Who is the speaker?   A: Mr. Allen Woo.   B: What about the afternoon`'   A: After the lunch break, there will be group discussions starting from 2 .   B: What is the topic?   A: Let me see. It is “Hi-tech and the Environment”.   B: How long will the discussion last?   A: I am not sure. It is not written in the schedule. Maybe the whole afternoon, I think.   B: Okay. And the evening?   A: There will be a party. And you are invited as one of the guests of honor who are supposed to make toasts.   B: Oh, really?   A: Yes, sir. And these are for the first day.   B: What is the plan for the second day?   A: The second day will be spent in a factory not far away.   B: That sounds interesting.   A: And the third day will be a day of speech. You arc asked to deliver a speech, sir.   B: I see. Please call the organizing committee and tell them I would like to attend the forum.   A: Yes, sir. 工作安排   A:先生,这是“高科技论坛”组委会寄来的信,邀请您参加。   B:这个论坛是什么时候?   A:论坛持续三天,4月12日星期二开始,到4月14日星期四结束。   B:知道了。地点在哪里?   A:彩虹科技赞助的店。   B:我会考虑的。信里附日程安排了吗?   A:附了。我给您报告一下。   B:好。第一天是怎么安排的?   A:上午九点至十点是简短的开幕式,然后有一个一小时的报告会,主题是近期高科技的发展。   B:不错。谁讲呢?   A:Allen Woo先生。   B:下午怎么安排?   A:午餐休息后,下午两点开始小组讨论。   B:主题是什么?   A:我看一下。题目是“高科技与环境”。   B:讨论多时间?   A:不太清楚,安排上没写。我想可能整个下午I吧。   B:行。晚上呢?   A:晚上会有一个宴会。您被邀请作为煮酒上宾之一。   B:是吗?   A:是的,先生。以上是第一天的日程。   B:第二天的安排是什么?   A:第二天会在不远的一个工厂度过。   B:听着挺有趣的。   A:第三天是各位发言的时间。组委会请您作报告,先生。   B:知道了。请给组委会打电话,说我很乐意参加这次论坛。   A:好的,先生。
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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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