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最后更新: 2022-05-31 20:36
浏览次数: 73
总算明了商务英语会议准备的情景对话 详细说明
Conversation 1   Manager: Would you please check on the availability of the conference room for that day?   Liu Yang: OK. If that time slot is open, I'll reserve it.   Manager: Where do you prefer to meet the guests before the meeting starts?   Liu Yang: Let me see, in the next office.   经理:你负责去查一下那天会议室的使用情况。   刘杨:好的。如果那个时间会议室闲着,我就预订下来。   经理:会议开始前在哪里迎接客人?   刘杨:我想一下,在隔壁办公室。 Conversation 2   Liu He:Do you think it necessary to add this item to the agenda?   Shang Li:Yes. It's really important.   Liu He:How about placing it at the beginning?   Shang Li:Good idea! In that case, everybody could pay attention to it.   Liu He:So there're altogether five items on the agenda. I'd like to keep each item to twenty minutes; otherwise we'll never get through.   Shang Li:Fine. Then the meeting is due to finish at four o'clock.   刘贺:你认为有必要在议程里增加这一项吗?   尚丽:是的。它很重要。   刘贺:把它放在开头怎么样?   尚丽:好主意!这样每个人都会注意它。   刘贺:那么议程里共有五项。我打算每项讨论20分钟,否则我们永远也讨论不完。   尚丽:好的。这样会议应该在4点结束。 Conversation 3   Mr. Dickens:Is the room ready for the meeting, Miss Chen?   Miss Chen:Yes, Mr. Dickens. Everything is ready.   Mr. Dickens:How about the microphone and speakers?   Miss Chen:I also have got them ready for the meeting.   Mr. Dickens:Good. Have you prepared some paper and pencils for the attendants?   Miss Chen:Yes, paper and pencils have been laid out by their name cards on the conference table for each attendant.   迪更斯先生:陈小姐,会场布置好了吗?   陈小姐:是的,迪更斯先生,都布置好了。   迪更斯先生:麦克风和喇叭准备得怎么样?   陈小姐:我也已经准备好了。   迪更斯先生:很好,你为与会者准备了纸和铅笔吗?   陈小姐:是的,准备好了。供与会者们使用的纸和铅笔都按他们的名片放在会议桌上了。 Conversation 4   Liu Shan:Mr. White, I come to tell you about a meeting scheduLED from ten o'clock thismorning.   Mr. White:Oh, that's right. And the general manager asked me to report on the company's sales for last year at the meeting.   Liu Shan:By the way, the meeting will be held in your office, not in the conference room.   Mr. White:OK, thank you very much.   Liu Shan:Not at all. That's what I should do.   刘姗:怀特先生,我来告诉您今天从上午10点开始的会议议程。   怀特先生:噢,好吧,总经理让我在会上做一个关于公司去年销售额的报告。   刘姗:顺便说一下,会议在您的办公室剿于,而不是在会议室。   怀特先生:噢,太好了,谢谢你。   刘姗:不用客气,这是我应该做的。

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