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最后更新: 2022-06-02 23:20
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热议雅思阅读填空题高分技巧 详细说明
  雅思阅读填空题高分技巧:完成句子填空题的每个题目都是一个陈述句,但在句子的开头、中间或结尾处留有一个空格,要求考生根据文章填空或者从给出的几个选项中选择一个和句子内容相匹配的选项。完成句子填空题也是雅思阅读A类考试中难度较大的一种题型。在Cambridge IELTS 8的160道A类阅读题目中,有20道是完成句子填空题。   答题步骤
  (1)首先分析所给句子的关键词。关键词大多数情况下是句子的主语以及重要动词。   (2)利用关键词在文章中找出相关的句子。注意关键词在文章中可能会以同义替换的形式出现。   (3)阅读文章中相关的句子,从中选取适合填入题目空格处的词汇。如果完成句子填空题是以选择题的形式出现的,那么则要根据文章中相关的句子从选项中选取答案。

  Can human beings communicate by thought alone? For more than a century the issue of telepathy has divided the scientific community, and even today it still sparks bitter controversy among to PACademics.
  Since the 1970s, parapsy chologists at leading universities and research institutes around the world have risked the derision of skeptical colleagues by putting the various claims for telepathy to the test in dozens of rigorous scientific studies. The results and their implications are dividing even the researchers who uncovered them.

Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine. Other parapsy chologists believe the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive scientific proof and faiLED. Sceptics and advocates alike doconcur on one issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called "ganzfeld" experiments, a German term that means "whole field". Reports of telepathic experiences had by people during meditation led parapsy chologists to suspect that telepathy might involve "signals" passing between people that were so faint that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity. In this case, such signals mightbe more easily detected by those experiencing meditation-like tranquillity in a relaxing"whole field" of light, sound and 27 and 28Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 27 and 28 on your answer sheet.   27 Researchers with differing attitudes towards telepathy agree on。   28 Reports of experiences during meditation indicated。
  A the discovery of a mechanism for telepathy.   B the need to create a suitable environment for telepathy.   C their claims of a high success rate.   D a solution to the problem posed by random guessing.   E the significance of the ganzfeld experiments.   F a more careful selection of subjects.   G a need to keep altering conditions.
  【答案解析】   27 Researchers with differing attitudes towards telepathy agree on   答案:E   关键词:researchers with differing attitudes, agree on
  定位句:根据关键词定位到第三段第三行:Sceptics and advocates alike do concur onone issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come fromthe so-called ‘ganzfeld’experiments.然而,怀疑者和倡导者却在这样的一个问题上达成共识:即迄今为止令人印象为深刻的证据出自所谓的“超感官知觉全域测试”实验中。
  解析:定位句中的sceptics and advocates和题目中的researchers with differingattitudes是同义替换,定位句中的concur on和题目中的agree on是同义替换,定位句后面的impressive evidence…from…"ganzfeld" experiments和选项E中的significance of the ganzfeld experiments意思一致,答案就是E。
  考点:同义替换:sceptics and advocates = researchers with differing attitudes;concur on=agree on.
  28 Reports of experiences during meditation indicated   答案:B。   关键词:experiences、meditation
  定位句:根据关键词定位到第三段倒数第三行:In this case, such signals might be moreeasily detected by those experiencing meditation-like tranquillity in a relaxing`whole field' of light, sound and warmth.如此说来,这样的信号可能更容易被那些沉浸于冥想中的人察觉—冥想就像在有着令人放松的光、声音和温度的“整个领域”中的恬静一样。
  解析:定位句中的experiencing meditation题目中的experiences ... meditation是同义替换,定位句强调的是灯光、声音和温度等环境因素对实验的影响,选项B说的就是suitable environment for telepathy(心灵感应的合适环境),答案就是B.
(1)同义替换。experiencing = experiences.   (2)推理判断。
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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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