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总算晓得雅思阅读判断题技巧 详细说明
  判断题的出题方式是给出若干个题目(陈述句),要求考生根据文章所给的信息对每个题目作出判断。如果题目内容与文章内容一致,则选TRUE / YES;如果题目内容与文章内容相抵触,则选FALSE / NO;如果题目内容在文章中并没有提及,则选NOT GIVEN,判断题是雅思阅读A类考试中难度较大的一种题型。在Cambridge IELTS 8的160道A类阅读题目中,有39道是判断题,占近1/4的比例。所以,考生应特别重视这种题型。

  Striking Back at lightning with Lasers   A stumbling block   However, there is still a big stumbling block. The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monster that takes up a whole room. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing. He plans to test this more manageable system on live thunderclouds next summer.   Bernstein says that Diels's system is attracting lots of interest from the power they have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system, by making the lasers yet smaller and cheaper. "I can not say I have money yet, but I'm working on it," says Bernstein. He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point-and he's hoping for good predicts an avalanche of interest and support' if all goes well. He expects to see cloud-zappers eventually costing $50,000 to $100,000 each.   Other scientists could also benefit. With a lightning "switch" at their fingertips, materials scientists could find out what happens when mighty currents meet matter. Diels also hopes to see the birth of "interactive meteorology"-not just forecasting the weather but controlling it. "If we could discharge clouds, we might affect the weather," he says.   And perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces."We think we could prevent hail by inducing lightning," he says. Thunder, the shockwave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rainthat is typical of storms. A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds,perhaps preventing the formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops. With luck,as the storm clouds gather this winter, laser-toting researchers could, for the first time,strike back.

Questions 11-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet, write YES if the statement agrees with the information NO if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
11 Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser. 12 Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms. 13 Weather forecasters are intensely interested in Diels's system.

  11 Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser.   答案:NO。   关键词:power companies
  定位句:根据关键词定位到第二段第一行:Bernstein says that Diels's system is attracting lots of interest from the power companies. But they have not yet come up with $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system,by making the lasers yet smaller and cheaper. Bernstein表示,Diels的系统正在吸引着各电力公司的广泛兴趣。但他们还没有拿出EPRI提出的500万美元—这是开发一个让激光器更小巧、更便宜的商用系统所需的资金。
  解析:题目说电力公司已经提供了资金,而定位句说的是power companies ... not yetcome up with the $5 million(电力公司……还没有拿出500万美元)。题目和定位句意思不相符,答案就是NO.
  考点:同义替换。come up with = given.
  12 Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms.   答案:YES。
  关键词:tests in real storms
  定位句:根据关键词定位到第二段第三行:"I cannot say I have money yet, but I'm working on it," says Bernstein. He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point-and he's hoping for good news. Bernstein predicts "an avalanche of interest and support" if all goes well. Bernstein说:“我还不能说我有了资金,但是我正在为之努力。”他认为,即将进行的实地测试会成为一个转折点,而且他也在期待着好消息。Bernstein预言,如果一切顺利,这将吸引“如雪崩般涌来的关注和支持”。
  解析:题目说的是obtaining money ... depend on tests(获得资金……取决于试验),定位句说的是field tests…turning point…interest and support if all goes well(实地测验……转折点……如果成功将会得到关注和支持)。题目和定位句意思相符,答案就是YES.
  考点:(1)同义替换。field tests = tests in real storms.
  13 Weather forecasters are intensely interested in Diels's system.   答案:NOT GIVEN   关键词:weather forecasters
  定位句:根据关键词定位到第三段第二行Diels also hopes to see the birth of "interactivemeteorology"-not just forecasting the weather but controlling it. "If we could discharge clouds, we might affect the weather," he says. Diels也希望看到“互动气象学”的问世—不仅仅是预测天气,而且能够控制它。“如果我们能让云层放电,我们也许就能左右天气,”他说。
  解析:题目中的关键词weather在定位句中重现。文章只有这一处提到了天气,但没有提及天气预报员(Diels不是天气预报员)。答案就是NOT GIVEN.

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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