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最后更新: 2022-06-03 21:13
浏览次数: 88
总算找到雅思口语part3范文-深圳美联英语 详细说明

  The first book I got when I was a child was calLED Andersen's Fairy Tales, which was a birthday gift from my mother. I was fascinated by the beautifully illustrated book at the first sight. It had got a hard cover with the images of the tales on it-Snow Queen, Ugly Duckling, and my favourite, Little Mermaid.
  I enjoyed reading the story of Little Mermaid so much that I read it over and over again. The heroine is a fun-loving mermaid and the youngest daughter of King of the Sea. She is enchanted by all human things. Disregarding her father's order to stay away from the world of humans, she swims to the surface of the sea. In the raging storm, she rescues the prince of her dreams. In order to be a human and live happily ever after with her prince, she strikes a bargain with the sea witch.
  She trades her fins and beautiful voice for legs. She must win the prince's love in three days, or she will lose her life. The ending of the story is not as happy as other fairy tales. That's why it impressed me deeply, I think.
  Ever since I read the story, I often thought about it. I always forgot that it's only a tale. Instead, it seemed the story became an intimate part of my life. When I grew up. I had a deeper understanding of the author and the story. Mr. Anderson was a firm believer in drama mixed with hard knocks of real life. Here he's just transformed them into a fantastic story that every child needs to be told. The elements of the story arc very powerful, from the loss of innocence to the loss of love. Sometimes we need a good dose of something that isn't wholesome. I recommend this book to everyone, including both children and adults.   本文标题:雅思口语part3范文
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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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