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最后更新: 2022-06-03 21:17
浏览次数: 83
终于晓得雅思口语part2范文-广州环球雅思学校 详细说明

  The most impressive book I read is a small paperback calLED Who Moved My Cheese?. It was written by Dr. Spencer Johnson, a physician and psychologist in America. and one of the world's most influential thinkers and beloved authors.
  Before I read the book. I believed the so-called self-help books were for losers. This small book made me sit up and admit how wrong I was. This simple, yet provocative, short story presents four types of people in the characters of mice and little people. The four of them travel inside the maze in search of cheese.
  The “cheese” symbolises what we desire to achieve in our life; it may be a good job, a loving relationship, money. or spiritual peace of mind. The maze is where we spend time looking for what we want. It may be the organisation we work in, the relationships we have in our life, or the community we live in. The "cheese" is what we think will make us happy, and when circumstances take it away, different people deal with changes in different ways. Through this analogy, the author illustrates the common reactions that people experience as they face unexpected changes in their lives and provides some timeless truths on how to be an overcomer.
  The beauty of this book lies in its simplicity. The use of mice and little people makes the book childlike and that's what the author wants. Become a child when you read this book because only as a child will you have an open mind.
  The most valuable part of the book is that, I think, it attempts to pose and answer various questions. Which of the mice or little people arc you similar to? Ilow do you manage changes? Are you ready for changes? What would you do if your cheese was moved? And the most important question: Are you ready for the day when your cheese is moved?   The book made me think a lot. After all, in this world, nothing is certain but death, taxes and changes.   本文标题:雅思口语part2范文
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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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