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最后更新: 2022-06-12 14:26
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总算知晓关于儿童手机的雅思作文范文|模板 详细说明

  WRITING TASK 2   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   Write about the following topic:   A lot of children are using mobile phones. Some people think it is a positive development. Do you agree or disagree?   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowLEDge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
  【考题解释】   许多孩子正在使用手机。一些人认为它是一种积极的发展。   你同意还是不同意?   文章结构
  【高分范文】   Mobile phones, which are widely considered a communicating tool, have been penetrating into people's daily life in a wide range of areas. There are an increasing number of children whotend to use mobile phones regard to whether it is a positive or negative development, people hold divergent views.
  Living in such a world that is saturated with a significant number of advanced technological innovations children are granted a great many opportunities to use mobile phones in their life,which has been universally believed beneficial totheir future ,it is the mobile phones that render children enormous opportunities to contact their friends and family members. So efficient is this communicating tool that relationship among family members can be substantially , children's interest in the advancement of technologies can, to a large extent, be other words, via using mobile phones, children are more likely to catch up with the amazing advances in the area of technology, which is also rewarding for them to become experts specialized in innovating communicating technologies.
  Such a significant number of meritsmobile phonescan bring tochildren's lifethat an array of people have put aside their demerits, therebyblindly encouraging the widespread application among children,which is evidently erroneous concerningchildren's physical healthandtheir academic the first place, overindulgence in the utilization of mobile phones may largely jeopardize children's a result ofthe tremendous radiation from mobile phones,a sizeable percentage ofchildren who are using mobile phones in their daily lifeare more likely todevelop diseases ranging from insomnia to the second place, it has been confirmed thatchildren using mobile phones during their education period may have a higher likelihood of failing to perform as well as they used will probably result intheir inability to graduate from school.
  In conclusion, baneful asthe use of mobile phones among childrenmay be, however, the trend is inevitable due tothe technological is highly suggested thatchildrenshould be given sufficient supervision and guidance.
  【范文译文】   手机被普遍认为是一种沟通交流的工具,它已经渗透到人们日常生活的各个方面。有越来越多的孩子常常使用手机,关于这一发展是积极的还是消极的,人们持有不同的观点。
  雅思作文备考通用框架   Mobile phones, which are widely considered a communicating tool, have been penetrating into people's daily life in a wide range of areas. There are an increasing number of children who_________ . With regard to whether it is a positive or negative development, people hold divergent views.
  _________, which has been universally believed beneficial to_________ .Firstly,_________ . Secondly, _________. In other words,_________ .
  Such a significant number of merits_________ can bring to_________ that an array of people has put aside their demerits, thereby_________ , which is evidently erroneous concerning _________and_________ . In the first place,_________ . As a result of _________, a sizeable percentage of_________ are more likely to _________. In the second place, it has been confirmed that _________. This will probably result in_________ .
  In condusion, baneful as_________ may be, however, the trend is inevitable due to_________ . It is highly suggested that_________ should be given sufficient supervision and guidance.
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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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