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终于找到关于享受生活的托福作文范文 详细说明

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people enjoy life better than older people. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.   On one of his fabulous journeys, Jonathan Swift's fictional explorer Gulliver visits an island where the Struldbrugs live. Gulliver has been told that the Struldbergs are immortal, and he imagines how wonderful it would be to live forever. But when he actually meets the Struldbergs, he finds them to be depressed and suicidal because,although they cannot die, they cannot stop aging either. What's the point of immortal life, Swift indicates, if you cannot be in good enough physical shape to enjoy it? Older people may appreciate the wisdom that comes with age, but younger folks enjoy much more the very fact of being alive.   It mostly comes down to physical fitness. A healthy young man in his twenties, say, who breaks his leg skiing, will typically undergo a pretty short healing period before he is on the slopes again. In the meantime, he can get around quite easily on crutches. A 55-year-old skier, on the other hand, who takes a tumble, is probably looking at a rather long recovery period, disability leave from work, and a leg that will never be quite the same again. A woman might like to hang out at night clubs with her other 18-year-old friends till the wee hours of the morning until she turns 50 and realizes that she needs to be in bed by 10 in order to function the next day.   Young people are also typically more attracted to risk-taking than people of "a certain age" If, for example, a twenty-something entrepreneur takes a chance on a new idea and then fails miserably, he can say to himself, "Well, no problem. There are lots more opportunities ahead for me to achieve great success."Thomas Edison tried over 1,000 different materials until he found the one that worked as the filament for the electric light bulb. He published his patent in 1879, when he was 32 years old. He must have thought he had plenty of time to experiment.   An old saying goes, "Youth is wasted on the young" By the time we know what we want and how to get it, we may not be able to move very much. This is not to say that older people can't achieve great things: John Milton was 56 years old (and blind) when he finished dictating his masterpiece, Paradise Lost, to his daughter. But he probably didn't really "enjoy" the task of workinq so hard at a time when his physical health was failing him. (He died 10 years later of kidney failure.) The older we are, the more we are satisfied with where we have been; the younger we are, the more we enjoy the journey itself.

  译文   你是否同意以下观点?年轻人比老年人更懂得享受生活。请用具体的理由和事例来说明。   乔纳森·斯威夫特(英国政治家及小说家—译注)小说中虚构的冒险家格列佛来到了住着斯特勒尔布勒格人的小岛。此前格列佛便被告知,斯特勒尔布勒格人一长生不死,他想象着永生该是件多么美妙的事情!但是当他真的见到斯特勒尔布勒格人之后,发现他们精神抑郁,有自杀倾向,因为尽管斯特勒尔布勒格人不会死去,但是他们依然停止不了衰老。斯威夫特指出.如果不能以良好的身体状态去享受生活.长生又有何意义?老年人可能会感激随年龄而增长的智慧.但年轻人会更加享受活着的乐趣。   人生重要的是身体健康。比如一个20来岁、身体健康的年轻人.在滑雪的时候摊断了腿.他只需要经历短暂的康复期。便可以再次站在姗雪场上。在此期问.他可以拄着拐杖四处走走。但是另一方而.一名55岁的滑雪者如果拌断腿.很有可能需要一段更长时间的康复期,并不得不因此休假.而且即便腿伤好了,也不能恢复到以前的状态。18岁的年轻女子可能喜欢跟同龄朋友在夜总会狂欢到凌晨,然而到了50岁后.她就会意识到自己需要每天晚上10点之前上睡觉.以确保第二天生活的正常运转。   此外,年轻人比上了一定年纪的人更容易被胃险所吸引。比如,如果一个20来岁的企业家冒险启用了一个新想法但是非常不幸地失败了,那么他可以对自己说:“没关系,前面有更多的机会等着我去取得巨大的成就。”托马斯·爱迪生尝试了一千多种材料才终找到适合制作电泡灯丝的那一种。他在1879年申请了专利,而此时爱迪生是32岁,他一定是以为自己有足够的时间去做实验。   俗语说:“青春是用来挥霍的。”当我们知道自己想要的并且懂得怎么去得到的时候,我们也许已经老得动不了了。这不是说老年人不能取得巨大成功:约翰·弥尔顿口述完杰作(失乐园)留给他女儿的时候已经56岁并且双目失明。但是他可能并不真正享受身体垮掉那个阶段所做的辛苦的工作。(10年之后.弥尔顿死于肾衰竭。)人总是越老越安于现状,越年轻就越热衷于过程本身。
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