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最后更新: 2022-06-18 10:51
浏览次数: 86
周知关于男人与女人的作文范文 详细说明

  Male and Female Roles   In all and female roles are mother role is universally carried out by is biologically defined by sex also characterizethe economic sphere so that the tasks men perform arc differentfrom those women difference is not any outgrowthof the biological differences between men and specifictask may be associated with men in one society and with women inanother. Milking herd animals,for be women'stask in some societies and a man's task in others.   Males and females are each associated with different kinds ofbehavior. These concepts of male and female behavior extend tohow people walk .sit .talk and dress. In our society·as in allothers,men walk and talk in certain ways and until recentlydressed very differently from some societies, differentspatial areas are associated with males and inmany Middle Eastern societies are restricted to certain parts of thehouse and may only come into contact with the males who aremembers of their such coffee house andthe market are defined as male domains. In someWest African societies。women most often appear in ·men choose to carry out female ratherthan male roles. In some men dress like women andperform female tasks. On the other hand·females who carry outmale roles usually dress and act like of women'sassociation with mothering and the home,women are associatedwith the domestic affairs and men are associated with the publicaffairs. In a number of New Guinea societies. men are associatedwith the men's house in which they eat and sleep while women areassociated with their own dwelling houses. In our own and otherWestern societies this division was true until the beginning of the20th 。the courts,businesses, so forthwere male areas,and so too were the social clubs where realbusiness was carried the beginning of the 20th century·women began to question the assignment of the male and femaleroles .They formed social groUPS and began to demand the right tovote. They began to move into the business and professionalworlds as regarded the women pioneers in thismovement as very today women in business, law orbanking wear very tailored·conservative suits to thesechanges occur in female roles in contemporary American are increasingly taking on child care and domestic tasks.


  男女职责   在所有的社会里,男人和女人的职责被认为是不同的。母亲的职责普遍地由妇女付诸实施.这从生物学的角度来看是有根据的。性别确定的角色也是经济领域的特征,男女所从事的工作大不相同。这种差别并非是男女生物差异的自然结果。某一具体工作在一个社会可能由男人去做,在另一个社会也许为女人所从事。比如说,给牲畜挤奶在有些社会里可能是女人的任务。在别的社会中兴许是男人干的事。   男男女女每个人都与不同种类的行为举止联系在一起。这些关于男女行为举止的观念涉及人们走路的步态、坐着的姿势、谈话方式和穿着款式等。在我们这个社会里.正像在其他所有社会里一样,男人以某些方式走路谈话,直至不久以前.男人的穿着与女人也不大相同。在有些社会中,男女的活动区域也不一样。许多中东社会的女人被限制在住宅的某些范围内活动,只能同自家男性接触。在这样的社会中,咖啡屋和市场限定为男人的活动场所。与此相反,在非洲西部的一些社会里.市场上常见的是女人。有时,男人宁愿履行女性职责.而不愿担起男人的职责。有时候.一些男人穿着打扮得像女人,并从事女性做的工作。另一方面.执行男人职责的女子,通常穿着行动都像男人。因为妇女与母性和家庭联系在一起,所以妇女同家事密不可分,男人与公务联系在一起。在新几内亚一些社会群体里,男人同他们吃饭睡觉的房屋联系在一起.女人则与她们自己的住宅联系在一起。在我们自己这个社会和其他西方社会中,这种分界在20世纪到来之前还是事实。政务、法庭、商务、银行等等,曾一直是男人的活动领域.真正从事实业的社会机构,也是男人的活动范围。20世纪初,妇女开始对男女职责的分配提出质疑。她们组成了社会团体,开始要求拥有选举投票权。她们开始进入商界和知识职业界。男人将这场运动的女性先驱视为男子气概十足的女性。甚至今天.从事商业、法律、金融业的女子仍然穿订制的传统制服工作。由于女性角色在当代美国社会中发生I这些变化,男人越来越多地担负起照顾子女和料理家务这样的双重任务。
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