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总算明白关于选择的SAT作文范文 详细说明
  SAT写作时间为25分钟,要求就作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点,无字数限制。广州启德教育为大家整理了一篇SAT写作范文,这篇获得高分的SAT写作考试范文的主要是关于选择的,大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实际情况,进行适当的准备和借鉴,以下就是关于选择的SAT作文范文。   Our lives are full of choices. Which two choices are the most difficult to pick between?   我们的生活充满了选择,哪两种选择难做出取舍?   The fundamental question in philosophy is, what is the purpose of life? It seems that the choice between life and death may be the most difficult for a critical philosopher to make. Three areas that make these two options very difficult to choose between center on cost-benefit analysis of the states of life and death; an ethical obligation in our current world, and natural, biological commands engrained in organisms.   What is better, to be alive or to be dead? Such a question has enormous payoffs on both sides. For a life-affirming position, one could argue that all the pleasures of life, every single one of them, can't be enjoyed without life. Tasting a new batch of grandma's renowned soft cookies, wafting an aromatic smell of Mom's famous dressed turkey, the exhilaration and thankful happiness you enjoy when you grade the final,absolute last SAT essay “”“these all cannot be enjoyed by a dead person. But on the other hand, pain and suffering also won't assail one if one is dead. The physical suffering of enduring a disease, the painful loss of a loved one, the mind-numbing exasperation as you reach for the 574th Standardized Test essay paper to grade ”the benefits of being alive seem to be balanced by the avoidance of troubles after death, making the choice of living or not living very difficult to choose between.   Ethics also make this choice more difficult. While some religions tout that all life is sacred and that one should enjoy life as the morally superior thing to do, arguments for self-sacrifice can be made on the opposing position. Some interpretations of Buddhism and Christianity, for example, place suicide as one of the most egregious sins. However, those religions also advocate compassion and loving your neighbor. In this enormously overpopulated world, where million starve due to the lack of basic necessities such as water and food, can it truly be ethical to keep consuming resources that could go to save many others' lives? Thus, morality and ethics play a role in making the choice between life and death more difficult.   Furthermore, some biologists contend of a will to live-that is, after birth,organisms naturally tend to seek its survival. If such a drive exists, could we truly do much to stop its workings? Perhaps resisting the natural flow will be only difficult and futile. However, an alternate view exists in the theories provided by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who espouses the idea of “destrudo,” a death drive, a subconscious desire of each human to seek its own destruction. This at worst bats and neutralizes the certain biologists' claim of a will to life. In this way, two opposing theories on basic biological aims of organisms contend against each other, making the options of life or death that much harder.   The decision between living and dying isn't so clear-cut as most would think philosophers have struggLED to deal with it for millennia. In the areas of utilitarian pros and cons, morality struggles, and basic natural drives, the choice between the two options of life or death is a very difficult one to make.   广州启德教育也为大家准备了关于选择的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  哲学的根本问题是回答生命的意义。看起来即便是对一位富有判断力的哲学家来说,关于生与死的选择也是难以做出的。三个方面的原因使选择变得非常困难,它们是:生死状态的利弊分析,当代社会的伦理责任,以及有机体固有的自然意义和生物学意义上的影响。   活着或死去,哪一种更好?这个问题两面均有巨大的利益。站在一个活人的角度,他可能会争辩:如果没有生命,他便不能够享受生活中的每一件趣事。尝几块祖母刚刚烤出来的负有盛名的软软的曲奇饼,空气中正弥漫着妈妈烹制的极负口碑的火鸡的香味,批阅后一份、是后一份标准考试作文的时候,你享受着愉悦和充满感激的快乐心情……一个死去的人是享受不到所有这些的。然而,另一方面,当一个人死后,疼痛和苦恼也不会再去攻击他。忍受疾病所带来的身体上的痛苦,与所爱之人的生离死别,批改第574份标准作文试卷时产生的头脑麻木和恼怒……死去后的一了百了似乎扯平了活着所带来的好处,这使得人们难以做出生与死的选择。   道德伦理也使这种选择变得更加困难。当一些宗教标榜所有的生命都是神圣的,一个人应当将享受生命当作崇高的道德行为去执行的时候,有关自我牺牲的辩论则站在了它的对立面。比如,佛教和基督教的一些解释将自杀列为大逆不道的违反教规的行为之一。然而,这些宗教也提倡同情和关爱你的邻里。那么,在这个人口过多的世界上,当数以百万计的人因缺乏基本必须品,诸如水和食物,而饿死的时候,难道继续消费能够拯救许多人生命的资源真的是道德的吗?因此,道德和伦理所扮演的角色使人面对生与死更加难以抉择。   此外,一些生物学家宣扬个体的求生意志,即在生物体诞生之后,它们自然地倾向于寻求生存。如果这种趋势存在的话,难道我们真的有办法阻止它吗?也许抗拒自然冲动只能是困难和徒劳无益的。然而,一个可供选择的观点存在于精神分析学家西格蒙·弗洛伊德的理论之中。他赞成一个叫做“破坏本能”的构想,即死亡冲动-每个人在潜意识里具有的一种寻求自身破坏的愿望。这在坏的情况下抵消了一些生物学家宣称的意志对于生命的重要性。就这样,关于生物体在基本的生物学目的上的两种相反的理论互相斗争,使关于生与死的选择愈加困难。   大多数人认为,在生与死之间做出决定不是那么简单-哲学家们尚且已经为此争论了上千年。带有功利色彩的赞成与反对,道德的挣扎以及基本的自然冲动,使人们很难在生与死之间做出抉择。   以上就是关于选择的SAT作文范文,广州启德教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。   [Grade: 5/6]Instruction's Comments:   I gave this paper a 5/6 (and not a 6/6) because I felt your third paragraph was weak. The idea that one's ethical responsibility to not consume resources that could go to others would justify suicide seemed kind of silly, especially in comparison to the other interesting viewpoints articulated in the paper. At the same time,you've got great ideas otherwise, and the paper is an interesting meditation on the problem of life vs. death, at least as interesting as one could reasonably be under the constraints of a standardized test essay. In all likelihood, this paper would get a 6 based on that and the strength of the writing.   Let me also say this: pretty much all of the essays you gave to me to grade (with the exception of perhaps one or two) would get a 6. Sometimes, I purposefully gave you a 5 when you might have got a 6, if only to push you a little bit more.   得分:5/6辅导老师评语:   我给这篇作文打5分,而不是6分,因为我觉得你的第三段弱了一些。人们负有道义上的责任,不能消费可以拯救其他人的资源的想法恰好在为自杀行为辩护,这一观点有点愚蠢,特别是与作文中其他地方明确而清晰地表达出来的有趣的观点相比。其实,你同时也有一些很棒的观点,作文对生命与死亡的问题进行了有趣的思考,其趣味性至少达到了一个人在标准作文考试的限制下所能合乎情理地达到的程度。从可能性上进行判断,基于上述的理由和文章的实力,这篇作文也许可以得到满分。   让我这样说好了:也许除一两篇之外,你交给我打分的其他作文大都可以得到满分。有时,在你有可能得到6分的情况下,我有意只给你5分,仅仅是想给你增加更多一些的推动力罢了。   以上就是关于选择的SAT作文范文的翻译,广州启德教育小编提醒您SAT写作考试的时间短,但是要求却很严,大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对。

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